Home Politics PF Former President Lungu Calls for Accountability in Light of Corruption Reports

Former President Lungu Calls for Accountability in Light of Corruption Reports


Former President Lungu Calls for Accountability in Light of Corruption Reports

Lusaka, July 2024

Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has called for President Hakainde Hichilema to uphold his promises of fighting corruption, following the recent exposure of widespread corruption within the government.

Reflecting on President Hichilema’s stance as an opposition leader, President Lungu shared a past Facebook post from January 10, 2021, in which President Hichilema criticized then-President Lungu for not taking sufficient action against corruption. Hichilema’s post read:

“The sacking of Dr. Chitalu Chilufya does not go far enough and comes too little, too late. Mr. Edgar Lungu knew all along about Dr. Chilufya’s corrupt activities at the Ministry of Health but didn’t relieve him of his duties because it benefited him and the entire Patriotic Front.

He didn’t have to wait for the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee to unearth something that was so obvious. We therefore demand that the ACC immediately move in on Dr. Chitalu Chilufya. Mr. Lungu should go further and fire Stephen Kampyongo and Kakoma Kanganja, who are equally culpable, like Dr. Chilufya, in the deaths of innocent citizens. We demand justice for the Zambian people now!”

In his address, President Lungu emphasized the importance of consistency and integrity in leadership, stating, “Fellow Citizens, this is July 2024. We have heard and seen reports of massive corruption, as evidenced in the Financial Intelligence Centre report, Whistleblowers, the Parliamentary Accounts Committee Report, involving his own ministers and other appointees, and we are anxiously waiting for the President to walk his own talk following these revelations. What was not good in his eyes then should not be good in the same eyes now.”

President Lungu’s call for action comes after a series of reports from various watchdog agencies and committees have revealed significant corruption within the current administration. The Financial Intelligence Centre and the Parliamentary Accounts Committee, along with whistleblowers, have provided substantial evidence of corruption involving several ministers and presidential appointees.

In his concluding remarks, Lungu urged for the restoration of the rule of law and accountability, saying, “May God bless Zambia and restore the rule of law sooner or later.”

The nation now watches closely, waiting to see if President Hichilema will address these serious allegations with the same resolve he once demanded of his predecessor. The call for justice and integrity in leadership remains a critical issue for Zambians, who hope for a government that truly serves the people and upholds the rule of law.


  1. The problem that President Hichilema has is that he is working with the same corrupt civil servants who have carried on with the corruption practisses from the Lungu administration. What we are seeing is a carry over from PF. So Mr. Lungu must not get excited that there is corruption even in UPND. The people stealing are PF remnants in government.

  2. I think I agree with you people HH should have removed a lot of these chaps of PF.He has tried to work with the chaps in the name of uniting the country but they are fighting him indirectly.The bad elements must be identified not by name but conduct regardless of where one comes from deal with them accordingly.They are wet blankets to progress.They want UPND to fail.

  3. The above Zambezi bloggers are taking stupidity to the next level. They will protect the tribalist conman at all costs. Even if he sold the whole country, they would support it. This is what is called tribalism. And we rejected it in 2021, and we will reject it again in 2026.

    Vote against corruption and tribalism in 2026.


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