Former ZANASU President endorses Hichilema


    Press statement

    For immediate release


    Former ZANASU President endorses President Hakainde Hichilema and the his running mate Honorable Mutale Nalumango

    Fellow country men and women it is with a saddened heart that few former union leaders such as those former charlatans who once served in the CBU Union would parade themselves before the cameras to endorse a government and especially a minister that abolished.

    – students unions in the year 2018 at the University of Zambia and replaced it with a weak system taken from Makerere University called the guild students leadership. The guild leadership was a cartel iniated by the failed minister of higher education who had an insatiable appetite to suspend any opposing voices around various campuses in various universities more especially the University of Zambia and Copperbelt University.

    You must be informed as a nation that the guild type of leadership as spearheaded by Luo has yielded results such as union leaders who are now puppets of an oppressive regime which is the ruling party that removed students meal allowances.

    It is on record that in the year 2014 a total number of more than 4,0000 students at only the University of Zambia received bursaries, meal allowances and including book allowances.
    However, when the minister who thought she knew it all named Nkandu Luo took office, the numbers deteriorated so bad; such that many students hard to stop school, forced into begging and also for female students they resorted to becoming night workers for suger daddies in a bid to earn a living and sustaine themselves both at CBU and UNZA.

    It’s all total lies to try and praise Luo cause she messed up the education system killing the abilities for students to decide what forms of governance they wanted to embrace between the governance of Unionism or that of a guild leadership as championed by Luo, so that she facilitates for appointments of students who are surrogates of the ruling party. She is not good in human interactions, but maybe good in academics.
    You must understand that the women who surrogates of PF masquerading as Unionist are endorsing has never left any institution with a briefing space be it for students, chiefs or even in health where she was privileged to serve.

    I wish to state to the ordinary citizens that personally I was suspended twice at Unza due to failure to comply as a puppet or become a mouth peace for an oppressive government when Luo served as Higher education minister. But am happy I sued the University and we the seven guys suspended at that time won the case in the disciplinary committee after been forced to apologize via the state media ZNBC in a bid for Ministry of Higher Education education under luo to find evidence through her surrogates she used at the University of Zambia.
    You must remember that numbers spread out in the other colleges and Universities as recipients of bursaries was not even exceeding 500 per institution so what is there to praise about other institutions benefiting? Only a cader student would praise such nonsense.

    As we speak due to the guild leadership Unza has last held elections in 2019. As students leadership is like a chiefdom where a minister decides who continues to lead the students. It is laughable that a normal student union leader would endorse an oppresser of students.

    If you do a background check those masquerading to speak for CBU graduated a long time ago with low grades. They continue to address themselves as Cobusu only naive person would believe such lies. My call to the ordinary Zambians is to consider such students as caders that have not been reformed although having undergone University education, infact consider them as jokers who using use their bellies to think due to little change their masters give them to parade themselves before the media.

    To my able media friends I say before giving such bogus students space, do investigative journalism to find out if the people who claim to speak for students are registered as union leaders. CBU or Unza as far as the students constitutions are concerned has no unions collapsed by Luo so I find it wrong to see young caders masquerading as current unionist yet there individual students do no approve them, as their terms expired.
    Nkandu Luo is on record in 2019 as been happy according to her, the country’s biggest and second biggest public universities, the University of Zambia (UNZA) and the Copperbelt University (CBU) had to receive 1,900 scholarships each while only 1,000 of them will be distributed amongst five other public universities. This was a reduction under her leadership of the higher education in the year 2014 and previous years students on bursaries went beyond 4000 that just shows how the education system was crippled when she was minister.
    She suspended union leaders with different view points and treated higher education like her bedroom. Reason for her suspension of Students unions was based on the fact that unions only talked of bursaries, but one would wonder what she expected unions to talk of, were unions supposed to be caders for Luo no one knows.

    All in all luo is a representation of authoritarian type of leadership, that does not fit well with a Democrat state such as Zambia founded on democratic principles.

    Based on the worsening propaganda and unproven propaganda against President Hakainde Hichilema I personally wish to endorse him in my capacity as former ZANASU President. Reasons for my endorsement are a lot but just to mention a few. For now based on the political landscape HH in my opinion is what Zambia needs.

    1. Hakainde Hichilema is well informed on economics and suffering of the Zambian people. He has a heart for many students education as seen from the massive support he gives to orphans who pursue education in zambia and abroad.

    Hakainde Hichilema has never been involved in an privatization of an state property. All those accusing of such are actually the criminals who hard a hand or are part of the current state capture of Zambia. Where caders are respected more than graduates or doctors. Various government institutions are filled by caders or those in support of the ruling party although not having the qualifications. President Hakainde Hichilema is the opposite of corruption and I believe he will not tolerate state capture by a few individuals, states, caders or companies. He will equalize the opportunities for all graduates, be it race, tribe or sex.
    Thirdly, he is a God fearing man and a man who respects individual liberties of state institutions and human rights.
    Zambia needs a listening president who respects all professions and means well with the countries values.
    Hakainde Hichilema is the definition of the peaceful Zambia, free from tribalism, nepotism, free of intimidation, better politics and better country direction. All I would ask of normal Zambians and all my constituents followers is to support him massively. This will avoid Zambia been termed as a Banana republic.

    Also when you hear that ZANASU as an institution has endorsed Luo that’s fake news prepared by the regime through its puppets prevailed to serve in ZANASU. ZANASU is not an individual position but involves various unions across the country so no one or two men can come to the media and speak on behalf of various unions that have not been consulted on endorsing a failed minister. This applies to fake self imposed union leaders that have graduated trying to speak for normal CBU and UNZA normal students especially or any institutions. Consider such fake union leaders as having an insatiable appetite for money and they are willing to force themselves on students as it’s representatives.

    Released by

    Misheck Kakonde former ZANASU President



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