Home World Four men accused of stealing solid gold toilet worth £5M from Blenheim...

Four men accused of stealing solid gold toilet worth £5M from Blenheim Palace

The toilet was taken from Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire

Four men have been accused in the stealing of a valuable toilet made of gold from Blenheim Palace, even though it happened more than four years ago.

The story of how the art display was taken and never discovered again goes all the way back to September 14, 2019.

The police said that a group of people entered a house in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, which is where Sir Winston Churchill was born, during the early hours of Saturday morning.

The 18-carat working toilet, named America, was taken quickly and forcefully from a room with wooden panels. This caused a lot of damage and flooding in the room.
During the raid, the item was worth £4. 8 million The insurers offered a reward of up to £100,000.

The police have been investigating a bold theft that happened during the night. They have arrested many people, but so far, no one has been formally accused of the crime.

Thames Valley Police gave some important documents to the Crown Prosecution Service. The Crown Prosecution Service said it is okay to charge four people with a crime based on the evidence.

A representative from the CPS said that a person named James Sheen, who is 39 years old, has been accused of breaking into a place, planning to move money obtained illegally, and actually moving that money.

Michael Jones, who is 38 years old, has been accused of breaking into someone’s place and is now facing one charge of burglary.

Fred Doe, who is 35 years old, and Bora Guccuk, who is 39 years old, have both been accused of working together to move illegal money.

They will all go to court in Oxford on November 28.



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