Fred Mmembe: The Supreme Architect Of Our Currect National Malaise



BY Nkonkomalimba Kapumpe

Fred Membe stands tall in the class of those whom I consider heroes; his indomitable bravery, uncompromising and blunt editorials really kept our leaders in check and open our minds up to a level of thinking that always encompassed the bigger picture. Fred Membe was the first man I ever heard refer a head of State as being ‘stupid’ or dull. His articles and editorials left an indelible mark in our hearts and minds.

Fred M’membe, after many moons, become the proverbial monster that he firecely fought in the first estate of government . Over the years, Fred learnt that the individuals that surrounded the head of state formed the very fabric by which the Presidency was characterized. This Fred came to learn when Richard Sakala was alleged to have been the one ordering his “jail time” during the Chiluba regime. In later years, Fred made certain that Richard Sakala did some jail time himself; through an intricately orchestrated plot.

Fred was instrumental in the restatement of multi-party politics and subsequent removal of the Kaunda regime and ushering in of President Chiluba to the helm of power. Fred really contributed to bring democracy and capitalism through MMD. However, Fred and FTJ’s relationship went in a polarized direction as this accorded him the opportunity to provide checks and balances – far more than any other media institution at the time in this country. History can indeed not be written without mentioning Fred Membe.

Fred Membes compromises started when he aligned himself with President Mwanawasa. At that time, President Mwanawasa had already turned against Fred’s Arch enemy – former President Chiluba. As the English saying goes, “the enemy of my enemy, is my friend.” Suddenly, Fred was now working with the Nichito brothers whom he had previously condemned for being over paid and not handling the task to persecute Chiluba very well. He comprised because of hate, and this is my point.

By now, All the decisions or systematic errors that Fred was making were not driven by his bravery, but by the desire to settle old scores; he was consumed with rage and driven by revenge. His was to paint chiluba black and this became a bitter rivalry even unto death. All objectivity was lost.

After the death of President Mwanawasa, Fred lost his grip on the Presidency as the new occupant of State House was said to be undeserving of the highest office in the land: President Rupiah Banda. As if to add salt to Fred’s injury, former president Chiluba was back in the corridors of power through his association with RB.

This incensed Fred and had him go on an all out attack against President Banda; painting him black at every opportunity, as his target was Frederick Chiluba.

Fred further formed an ‘unlikely’ alliance with the then Opposition leader, Michael Sata as he started giving Mr Sata favorable after favorable media coverage. Fred was qouted many times referring to PF as “we” though his editorials. I know Fred and the many posts he had written about Sata, that there is no way he could have truly believed in Sata, yet he did at the expensive of the nation to get ride of RB; all in the interest not forgiving Chiluba.

Now here comes the punchline, When Sata won the elections, we completely lost our Fred; his true colours were now in the full glare of everyone to see. They say power currupts? Well here is a case study for you to work on. Fred become untouchable. He became the monster we fought; from judges to the President, they all feared him. One Judge was even fired a day after making judgement against Fred. Fred did not seem himself as being part of the King no, he was the KING MAKER.

Remember, I started by mentioning that he realized very early who really controlled the Presidency through his experience with Richard Sakala. Fred wanted the President’s ear and now he finally had it. He was all powerfull with Wynter running the legislature, Judiciary , Executive and media. He defended Sata and painted him white, we could not question Sata.

Fred M’membes voice through the Presidential Aids and new paper was the voice of God.

Then he went after office of the Chief Public Prosecutor. He made sure is now business partner Nchito be given that office. This office basically determines who goes to jail and who does not. Guess the first court case Nchito dropped with hours of being appointed? Fred’s court case.

Then came Solicitor-General’s office which was given to Fred’s friend, Musa Mwenye who was reported pushing the Development Bank of Zambia (DBZ) to write of Fred and Nchito compnay’s debt. We all heard that the speaker of parliament was generally Fred’s idea. This is the time we saw articles in the post about nepotism.

Judge Mutana three were suspended because they made a judgment against Fred. Fred M’membe once hero turned into a monster that even I feared terribly.

In later days, the people got feed up and Sata was many things but not dull. He started distancing himself from Fred. After seeing this, Fred started to make calls for Sata to resign and that he was not fit to run the office of President. Things he had disputed before, to me all this was done just to protect himself and his ego.

So I don’t understand how you can trust such a man to rescue us when he always abandoned us to meet is ego for revenge and hate. He puts his on feelings above the nation. What manner of hate does one carry? Look at who he supported Sata just so he would exert revenge? Look at what he did when he was given power through PF?

Now tell me again what Fred is about that we should trust him? Me he owes
me an explanation…I was hurt

Don’t sue me I have no money just explain and tell this tuma new followers that we were in love with you before

Nkonkomalina Kapumpe



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