Gassing suspects walk free as state enters nolle


    If not them then who? Minister Kampyongo the nation patiently awaits to know the truth…

    Gassing suspects walk free as state enters nolle

    TWELVE people including a juvenile who were in court on terrorism charges related to countrywide gassing incidents early this year walked free yesterday as the state entered a nolle prosequi in their case.

    They were facing 16 terrorism charges on allegations that they were behind the chemical gassing incidents.

    The Director of Public Prosecutions entered a nolle prosequi in favour of the 12 , aged between 15 and 45, of Chikankata,Kafue and Chingola districts with regards to 16 counts of aiding, abeiting, conspiracy of terrorist acts and proliferation.

    The 12 are Pheston Mwanza, 45, a farmer of Mulawo settlement in Chikankata , Bright Halwanza, 34, a farmer of Nalwama Village in Chikankanta, Essau Zanene, 35, a farmer of Nega-Nega in Chikankanta, Tom Jabala, 43, a businessman of Kabweze in Kafue and Derrick Mwiinga, 28, a businessman of Chikankanta.

    Others are a 16-year-old grade nine pupil of Nalwama in Chikankata, Jabulani Phiri, 41, a farmer of Nega-Nega in Chikankata, Osward Hamalala, 29, a farmer of Chikankata, Charles Mungaila, 32, a farmer of Chikankata, Sydney Hakalinda,37, a businessman of Nega-Nega in Chikankanta, Elijah Mwiinga, 25, a charcoal burner of Kafue and Everisto Hamalala, 33, a folk lifter of Chingola.

    When the matter came up before High Court judge Kazimbe Chenda the 12 denied the charges.

    Following their plea of not guilty state advocate Susan Besa told justice Chenda that the Director of Public Prosecutions has decided to discontinue the proceedings through a nolle prosequi.

    Justice Chenda told the accused that proceedings against them were discontinued following the decision by the DPP to enter a nolle prosequi and discharged them forthwith.

    The accused were Between February1 and 29 this year alleged to have aided, abeited, concealed, procured, incited or solicited the commission of a terrorist act or proliferation.

    It was alleged in the second count that the 12

    on the same dates, committed a terrorist act intending to cause death or serious harm to Brenda Tembo when they released dangerous, hazardous, harmful substance, toxic chemical or other toxins in the environment.

    In the third count, it was alleged that the 12 on the same dates committed a terrorist act intending to cause death or serious harm to Martha Mazaba by releasing dangerous, hazardeous, harmful substance, toxic chemicals among other toxins in their environment.

    In the fourth count it was alleged the 12 allegedly committed a terrorist act intending to cause death or serious harm to Emmanuel Lwaisha by releasing dangerous, hazadeous, harmful substance, toxic chemicals among other toxins into the environment.

    In counts five to 16, the 12 between February 1 and 29, 2020 allegedly committed a terrorist act intending to cause death or serious harm on Emmanuel Lwaisha, Memory Banda, Taonga Banda, Esther Banda, Nathan Phiri, Violent Nyirenda, Anthony Nyirenda, Caroline Zulu, Minson Zulu, Regina Phiri and Memory Banda by releasing dangerous, hazadeous, harmful substance, toxic chemicals among other toxins in their environment.

    The 12 were represented by Laston Mwanabo and Keith Mweemba.



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