By Smart Eagles 🦅

Patriotic Front PF Secretary General Hon Raphael Nakacinda has condemned in strongest terms, the arrest of Socialist Party leader Fred M’membe by the Zambia Police.

The PF party CEO was speaking shortly after he visited Cde Fred M’membe who is detained at the Twin Palms Police Station in Ibex Hill Lusaka for alleged Seditious practices.

Hon Nakacinda who was accompanied by PF Information and Publicity Chairperson Amb Emmanuel Mwamba said that is utterly unreasonable for President Hakainde to order the arrest of Dr M’membe who was merely quoting the Congolese President.

He said that President Hakainde and his government should instead focus on the Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi who alleged that he had paid harsh money to SADC heads of state save for Zimbabwe’s Emerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa who refused to take the said illicit funds.

Hon Nakacinda recounted how the Congolese President in a meeting with the Catholic Bishops in Congo alleged that he had paid SADC heads of states that included Zambia 20 million dollars each as he boasted that he was untouchable.

Hon Nakacinda said that he had assured Dr M’membe of the PF and President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s support and solidarity during what he termed an unceremonious arrest and detention.

He said that it is unfortunate that the Police have been instructed to deny the socialist party leader his right to a police bond even when the offense he is alleged to have committed is a bondable one.


  1. Just tell us also how that money was transacted from Congo’s Tshisekedi to SADC heads of state. And let Tshisekedi himself and not you, tell us if Mnangagwa wasn’t given the money as you are trying to allege. And if he wasn’t given, does that make him holier than others? Zimbabwe with Mnangagwa have also a lot of their own issues may which could be worse than what you are talking about. Haven’t you heard about the Gold Mafia which is linked to Mnangagwa which was revealed by Aljerzeera? According to the report, some diplomats like Uebert Angel are the main players. So, if you are one of the people who just believes everything you hear, then you better believe this story also. Some of these stories are just hear says and those who want to believe them can do so.

  2. Isn’t t Nakachinda on bond? We’re I him I d keep very quiet. Why do these opposition sanction wrong doing. Does Mmeembe not know that his loose mouth could cause war in the region?

  3. The zambian government is so fragile on individuals like Raphael Nakachinda who without shame can start issuing statements while on police bond,can the minister of home affairs please keep order and stop nonsense being peddled by the so called opposition members. It is because of such that has brought a lot of talk concerning the zambia police of late especially the Pamela Gondwe, Kaiser Zulu, Chilufya Tayali and now JJBanda ~ it seems there’s more that the ministry can not come out in the open,is it failure by the minister or the inspector of police.

    • He’s on nail imagine. I think Edger Lungu made a deadly mistake to appointment this embecile as a minister. You know after having felt how sweet being a minister is for only a short period of time, and later his master lost power to HH, his mind became so sophisticated that he has never believed upto now, he still thinks his master could come back into power again.

      Iciloto ukuwama. Panaela Edger Lungu is aging and diminishing

  4. Our opposition politicians never cease to amaze by their lack of critical thinking. What makes Mr. Nakachinda believe that the DRC president, Mr. Tshisekedi, actually uttered the words Dr. M’membe is claiming he said? Who is and how reliable is Dr. M’membe’s source of that information?

    Dr. M’membe’s credibility like that of Mr. Emmanuel Mwamba is questionable. At the time of the gold scandal involving the Egyptians, Dr. M’membe made a wild claim that a State House official had run away with USD500,000. The physical challenge of moving around with this amount of cash as a fugitive would make one doubt the statement.

    Just reading through his statement on Mr. Tshisekedi and the hush money, Dr. M’membe was careful not to implicate his ally, Mr. Munangagwa, yet we know how corrupt he is, never mind about the way he rigged the elections in Zim.

    So ba Nakachinda, why should we ask Mr. Tshisekedi? It is Dr. M’membe who made the revelation and he presumably established the veracity of that information (which I doubt). In court, he will get the chance to lay the evidence in the public domain.

    I eagerly await his court appearance.

    • @ JMC, he actually claimed the statehouse official bolted with $5 million not $500,000. And I don’t know if it’s just me but I have observed that all the articles written by Mr. Mmembe have a direct connection to president HH. I have never seen an article written by Mr. Mmembe which talks about the economy or how he plans to improve the lives of the people of this great country but foe him it’s all about bad president HH is.


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