By Michael Kaluba

Governance and Elections expert Stanley Mhango has backed proposed constitutional amendments to increase the tenure of office for President from 5 to 7 years as the current 5-year cycle has numerous limitations.

Mr. Mhango believes that the current 5-year cycle is not enough to implement long-term policies and projects, with frequent election cycles impending effective governance while giving limited opportunities for leadership development and growth.

He has since advised government to build national consensus as opposed to focusing on the content alone, engage in a transparent and inclusive roadmap to avoid past mistakes and ensure that any proposed changes are scrutinized objectively, without tying the process to a specific election cycle.

However, Mr. Mhango is of the view that while adjusting the presidential tenure from 5 to 7 years may be acceptable, removing term limits would lead to abuse of power, authoritarianism, lack of accountability, reduced democracy, and an increased risk of corruption.

He adds that removing the term limits of the presidency also has the potential to create a succession crisis, undermine institutions of democracy, and cause stagnation and complacency in leadership, among other negative factors.


  1. In the interest of fairness, let this proposal be tabled only after the tribalist conman leaves office.

    We can not give him more time to continue raping our natural resources and treasury.

    All those before him served only 5 year terms. Him he thinks he is the clever one.

    Bushe bamupanga shani uyu umuntu? Awe nshamonako, elyo nshilefwaya ukumonako nafuti after 2026. Uyu kumuposa fye mucishala. Nangu munungulu iya lamba.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

      • Hicamba, no I do not want my tribesmates, PF, to come back. I do not support nonsense just because it is coming from my tribesmates. I hope you can say the same.

        And I want the 5 year term to stay intact. He knew the parameters of this role before he got elected. Let him stop sponsoring this nonsense of promoting umuyayaya rule. If indeed he means well, he will table this motion to be enacted only AFTER he leaves office.

        Try to think beyond your tribe please. Just give it a try.

        Vote wisely in 2026.

        • this is really great 7 years should not be the focus.the country should always come first and lets let upnd run there race till there mandate then people will vote lets desist from this tribal nonsense this is so the people that we are.

    • @Indigo Tyrol you are a disappointment because all your statements on this platform are childish and lacking substance. Your negative comments and abusive language will not take you anywhere. Learn to reason with proper intellectual objectivity than always hallucinating.

      • Thank you Knowledge for reading my posts. It means I am reaching out and my message is being assimilated. Voters can make up their minds whether I am hallucinating, or not. Voters will also remember that ALL my predictions, and assertions, have come to pass. All of them! I take no pleasure in this fact, because I would rather Hakainde was delivering to the expectations of ALL Zambians, not just his tribesmates and his foreign LGBT masters.

        Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Unfortunately, Sir, your chronic “Chest Pains” will continue beyond 2026 whether or not your hated “Conman and Tribalist” loses power in 2026 will disappoint you, perhaps even worse. I can guarantee you. Politicians come from our Zambian Population which we are inherently corrupt (my personal view), so don’t lose sleep or have hypertension over Politicians.
      Sorry I am not being tribal but I didn’t understand your message which you wrote in Bemba, I only understand my mother tongue Lozi and English.

  2. The five year term for president is enough. In any case, if the incumbent performs well, the people can renew his mandate for another five years.

    Anything more than five years will lead to dictatorship because the incumbent will have more time to tear down the governance structures. If we had the seven year term, PF would still be legally in power. Now just imagine that!! But thanks to the five year term, we got rid of them before they destroyed the country beyond redemption.

    So when you start dreaming of such changes, think of a worst case scenerio and the impact on the country. Why fix something that is not broken?

    Good leaders donot need an eternity to leave an impact. Jesus’ ministry was for THREE years and his teachings still reverberate through the world even today, over two thousands years later.

  3. Hear we go again. Goverance expert. On what basis? Vague titles with obscure expertise.
    These are the kind of people that mislesd people to over stay in government.
    Let UPND serve its term as the law currently ascribes. Why change? Werent the terms debated in more than one consistution amendment debate with all possible stakeholders? (Mvunga Commission, Mungomba Commission, et al).
    You mean all these commissions lacked the wisdom to address the Presidential terms?
    HH in his widom should begin to groom folks to take over his leadership. That is what leadership is about.
    We done with an era of ba muyayaya…please with have a great pool for people that when properly identified can take over the helm of the Party and possibly the nation when the win the elections.
    For a party that ascended on the premise of democractic tenants. Such a suggestion should be abhored and condenmed as a frivilous basis for any consititutional amendments.
    While I applaud the efforts to correct the economic position of the country, democracy and the subsequent elective positions should not be tampered to perpetuate the stay in office of indivudals longer than necessary. Necessary was debated and decided not even a decade ago to justify change or make the state no different from a military junta and its dictates.
    Mr. Mhango focus on advising government why delivery is teethering and folks seem to CDF is not working, why Public service workers arent delivering timely, why the products that the are earmarked for the “poor” are marred by “bottlenecks” and unecessary hoops and instead the “few” that will not utilise these products obtain them. Why commerical banks have made obtaining obtain some of these development tools difficult rendering the funding useless, why cant we find better effective means to deliver these tools and means to those in the hinterland when we need to open up the country. Isnt the aim of these tools to build capacity?

  4. The so-called expert is a very dangerous vuvuzela and he must be denounced in the strongest terms! Your trial balloon is complete useless fluff. Find something meaningful to write about, not this nonsense!

  5. These crooks , ati governance expert but just chewing money from donors. Infact if Hichilema has started issue of increasing presidential term because of too much selfish, Zambians want it reduced to 4 years because stealing and mis use of public funds and assets is too much in Zambia. Every public leader now wants to go into public office with a vision to steal. So let’s cut presidential and parliamentary term to 4 years so that Zambians exchange stealing in a faster way. Viva 4 years! Viva!

  6. 5 year term with mid term endorsement for both MPs and President. if the President or MP fails the mid term endorsement, they go. They will start behaving, as power will surely rest with the people. They only thing a politician fears are elections.. Having mid term endorsements will help in keeping this crooked and unreliable species of people on their toes.

  7. When Chiluba wanted to go for a third term he had lots of experts supporting him on various fora. HH should know how the Zambians rejected that move. This seven year term is just another way to sneak in a third term and we are not going to be fooled

  8. Hmmm …….is it HH who posted this ot somebody else? Imwe fyinse ni Hakainde nangu tafishibe, ati pantu euleteka? Mwatala mwalanfa Pali ulembele not always Hakainde this, Hakainde that……if you were wise enough why couldn’t you be the president so that everyone regards you a man enough than HH?

  9. The Law must be enacted to deter incumbent ruling parties to make law adjustments or changes for their benefits.Instead let any party in power enact laws applicable to the future or incoming ruling party or else all this attempts are nonsensical and meant only to promote longer stay in power forcefully. Chiluba tried to go for Third term but failed, so it is only scammers who lie to voters that they failed to deliver in 5 years because time was short and that they would deliver or perform in 7 years.4 years would be even better for Zambia as opposed to the current 5 year term.

  10. Twakana!
    5 years is enough!
    This nonsense will be treated as treasonous acts against the Law of the Land!
    No changes to the Constitution for selfish reasons will be allowed!

  11. There are only seasons for elected positions, one is to be voted into office the other is to be voted out of office. These terms surely come. Unless you perform beyond measure can people give second mandate in which case you can leave office honourably. Most but African leaders don’t want to leave up to this reality they want to meddle with consistitution to prolong their stay in power. Takuli tata!

  12. When you Google this so called governance expert, you will find that he either doesn’t exist or is a useful idiot. The modus operandi for state house operatives is to create individuals with non Tonga names to champion their stupid agendas. We SAY NOO. Sammy is not going to rape our constitution. Don’t play with fire, your tribalists.

  13. Kaunda Stayed for twenty-seven years, then came Chiluba who wanted what we came to know as the third term and introduced District Administrators whose sole purpose was to champion the third term, but it failed. When Adada came he also came up with what was called Bill Ten which was meant to bring in new amendments to prolong his stay, it failed, then he told everyone that the first term was not his as he was just finishing it for the late president and this somehow went through as he was allowed to stand again, but the voters took him out. These are lessons which should show us a trend that, not following what is laid out constitutionally and trying to change constitutional goal posts to our advantage forcefully, usually ends up in failure in one way or another. I do not expect PF to say much against the Seven years proposition because they too to tried the Bill 10 and refused the first term using incumbency, let UPND also try to push the seven-year term, but it is us the people who will have the final say. It depends on how they try to sale the idea, if they will force it like PF did on Bill 10 and bring Lubinda’s to put up national billboards, it will fail, but if it comes through national consensus by showing that it makes national and not political sense in may go through.

  14. this is really great 7 years should not be the focus.the country should always come first and lets let upnd run there race till there mandate then people will vote lets desist from this tribal nonsense this is so the people that we are.

  15. NO. Extension of Presidential term is not necessary. If it can not be done in five, certainly it will not be done in 7 or 40 years.
    Term should and will remain five, 5; 1,2,3,4,5; as the number of fingers on our hand. as the number of toes on our foot; five, five five, nothing else.

  16. In fact, a national vision is carried by the party and not the party president, if the party in office wants to extend their stay beyond ten years and still push their vision, they can do that by using another candidate as long as the masses are happy with them and that way they can carry on with their vision, to push for seven years is a sign that they want to perpetuate the stay of an individual in office and not the party. IT DOES NOT HOLD WATER AND IS UNJUSTIFIED.

  17. The development of a nation has nothing to do with the Presidential term. It is the NATIONAL POLICY that we must concentrate on by giving it a time frame by law to be done by who ever is in power.
    It MUST be understood that the not doing it today today, is the problem of tomorrow. So let us do tomorrow today so that tomorrow is better off.
    We must be long sighted by doing it today and never postpone.

  18. The Phillipines have 7 years BUT one term. The Americans have 4 years but two terms. If you observe commentaries in the USA, Biden has done, in 4 years, what many two-term Presidents failed to achieve. So the simple word to this Mhango guy is: Voetsek!!! If you fail in 4 years you will still fail in 7.

  19. This is a very contentious topic and hence needs scrutiny and serious introspection.

    My personal observations from past administrations is that our progression as a country is stagnant because we have concentrated on less important issues of political associations other than the interest of the country itself.

    While I agree that our democracy is still young, we have an obligation as a country to learn from those who have gone ahead of us. The results from this srutiny reveals that every administration given a chance will manipulate the system to their own advantage. Western countries where democracry is more advanced1 are not an exception to this power hungry syndrome.

    Therefore we ought to understand that politicians need to be constitutionally restrained from making adverse decisions and compelled to follow the agenda and holistic vision of the country as a whole so that there is continuity of all aproved plans and programs.

    We need a vision that embraces the aspirations of the whole country which is not deternined only by elected political parties alone. This is why we keep going back and forth without much success. As observed previous administrations have had their decisions reversed and replaced by other polices. Depending of the practicalities of the polices some are progressive while others are a disaster and retrogresive.

    As a country we need to understand that vision planning should be beyond the polical election cycle. We need a 50 year plan which every polical party coming into power needs to fit into and not the other way round.

    Until we change this mindset of over dependence on politicians to unilaterally decide where we should go as a country. We will continue to be subjected to the calber of leadership quality a few voters will elect. This is the sad position we have been going through.

    On the other hand if technocrates are empowered by law to professionally manage the holistc vision of the country instead of a political party we may succeed to have steady and measurable development. This singleness of purpose of development needs to be deliberately advoacted by every citizen of our beloved country.

    This means that the government systems will automatically correct those who deliberately and recklessly deviate from the approved work plan that benefits the country and not the political individuals. This will obviously clip off excess powers from those whom we elect and thus hold them accountable to us.

    This can be done if the will is there. To start with all sensitive positions in the civil service and gvernment institutions should be appointed by parliament which should carry out due diligency about the qualifications and charaters of these individuals. No political appointments. That is if we are truely serious about ensuring accountablity and transparency.

    This logical approach of reasoning will frighten most political parties because it exposes them to an open book policy which actually enforces the thought of the voters being the ones in control of their destiny instead of the other way round.

    This is a debate we should be having and not desparately wanting the political parties we incline with have excess power or mandates. This I believe is a destiny we as a country can gravitate towards which will ultimately keep us on track and can minimise reckless decison making.

  20. muhango u are a hired gun and vuvuzela for upnd,indirect u want bring back bill ten which pipo and hh where against in 2021


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