Government Cautioned Against Engaging Napsa To Reconstruct City Market



By 5FM Journalist

The government has been cautioned against engaging the national pension scheme authority in investing in the construction of markets and bus stations; as such ventures have uncertainty in legitimate income generation.

The city market has remained in a deplorable state following its gutting of the city market in 2017 and the government has since requested NAPSA to help in reconstructing the market which will cost about 70 to 90 million kwacha.

But The Opposition Green Party has pointed out that NAPSA is an institution that invests workers funds, therefore directing its funds towards markets which are dominated by political interference may risk losing money meant for retirees.

Party leader Peter Sinkamba has therefore suggested the need to engage the donor community especially the European Union to finance such programs to avoid further incontinence.

5FM NEWS 04/03/2020



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