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HH always shifts the blame to others so that they carry the blame while he presents himself as a messiah, angel- Antonio Mwanza

Antonio Mwanza


By Antonio Mourinho Mwanza

President Hakainde SAMMY Hichilema and his Government have consistently and defiantly denied having bought any new Government vehicles. They have insisted that they are using the same old vehicles they found after taking over government.

The so called order by President Sammy to “sell of Government vehicles” that his Government has bought is another publicity stunt meant to;

  1. Divert the attention of the people from the pressing economic challenges the country is currently grappling with and
  2. Make President Sammy appear to be a larger than life leader who puts the interest of the people before self. It is President Sammy’s strategy to always appear to be more caring and more frugal with Government resources when the opposite is true.

President Sammy never takes responsibility for his own failures and mistakes; he always shifts the blame to others so that they carry the blame while he presents himself as a messiah, angel. Typical of narcissists.

He has really mastered the art of diversion. Whenever he is pressed he finds something to divert the attention of the people.

Remember this is the same man who not long ago was claiming that he refused a fleet of new Presidential vehicles because the price was too high. Yet he is using the same BRAND NEW fleet of presidential vehicles that were bought for him.

Let him first sell the new presidential vehicles that he acquired when he became president before he asks others to sell.

By the way, to whom will the same vehicles be sold? His ministers or himself?

I want to end by reminding President Sammy that you can’t run government using lies, propaganda and publicity stunts. You need clear economic policies and programs that can create jobs, increase business opportunities and end poverty and unemployment especially among young people.

These publicity stunts will not help. The economy has collapsed. There is no money in circulation, the cost of living is escalating, Youth unemployment, hunger and destitution are getting worse and no amount of publicity gymnastics can help salvage Sammy’s waning political fortunes.

When we told him to sort out the mess at Ministry of Health, what did he do? Instead of sitting down with ZAMMSA, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance to sort out the problem, he rushed to Ndeke House to pause for selfies. The usual publicity stunts of his. What has happened? The problem has persisted, our clinics and hospitals still don’t have medicines and medical supplies.

We need actual solutions not aya manyengwe.



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