By Dr. Chris Zumani Zimba


Under President Hakainde Hichilema (HH), Deuteronomy 28:43-44 is being fulfilled in speedy motion in the faces of all Zambians. This scripture says: “The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail”.

If you don’t have your own land as an adult, you are not a complete citizen, you are a squatter. Empirically, there is growing evidence that HH is greedily auctioning our sovereignty by specifically selling off huge arable and mining land portions of predominantly “Northern Zambia” to foreigners and his business associates for dollars with arrogant and treacherous hands. Here are the facts before us:

1. Last week, Zambians were officially informed that 10,000 hectares of Zambian land had been allocated by HH to Rwanda and all paper work was being finalized. Trust me, I am sure that this 10,000 hectares of land is not in Southern or Western provinces but in Muchinga, Northern, Central, Luapula or Eastern Province. The Rwandan ambassador to Zambia H.E Emmanuel Bugingo thanked HH for this “generosity”. While Zambians are sleeping, HH is auctioning their land!

2. In early July, 2024, the office of the Vice President under Resettlement Department advertised thousands of combined hectares in Eastern, Muchinga, Northern, Luapula, Central and part of North Western and Western provinces clearly targeted to be sold to anyone interested (but foreigners and few wealth local citizens with money shall be the main beneficiaries) here. They are demanding a K50,000 non refundable deposit due 16th August 2024.

3. What is the difference between these huge land portions being targeted to be sold by the Vice President’s office in August 2024 and the initial offer of 6 million hectares ZDA gave the Vietnamese investor who had promised HH a miraculous US$72 billion into Zambia? From our eyes, this is one and the same scheme like Mr. Van Tuya’s case.

4. How many Zambians will afford to buy these huge hectarage farms the Vice President is selling so expensive mainly across the Northern circuit in this harsh economy of Bally’s government? Is HH and his Vice President sure that most of this huge territory will be bought by Zambians when money has become brutally scarce?

5. If the non refundable down payments is K50,000, how many Zambians today can raise and pay this amount before even knowing the actual price of the farm? Clearly, this looks like a clear scheme by HH to auction our huge territorial land to foreigners and his associates.

6. In June, 2024, Zambians were shocked and angered to hear that HH through Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) was in the process of securing and auctioning 6 million hectares of land to Mr. Van Tuya, a Vietnamese foreign investor for a “high-technology mixed agriculture project” across Luapula, Northern, and Muchinga provinces. Most Zambians immediately declared ZDA’s DG, Alfred Halwampa and President Hichilema as dangerous nationals and sovereign traitors!

7. More treacherously, HH’s regime were ready to auction this entire Northern circuit Zambia to this Mr. Tuya with seven ‘key criminal offers’ including: (1) Six million hectares of land, (2) No fees or land rate for 99 years, (3) Exempted from import taxes for goods, machinery, equipment, (4) VISA exemption for staff on the project, (5) Citizenship, (6) No other rice to be grown in Zambia other than the project rice, and (7) Exempt from corporate and income taxes for 20 years.

8. It is sure political criminality and moral irresponsibility for HH’s government to scheme such treacherous businesses with foreigners and offer them six million hectares of Zambian land specifically from the Northern cycle with the above seven incentives which contradicts the principles and spirit of the Zambia National Lands Policy. This means that while Zambians are sleeping, HH is busy auctioning their land!

9. We need to commend Mr. Patrick Musole, Executive Director of Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA) and few stakeholders who have repeatedly voiced against such schemes and described HH’s capitalist policies to auction the Northern circuit as “irresponsible”. Objective No. 5 of the National Lands Policy is clear on land ownership by non-Zambians as it limits and reduces the size and tenure of land leases.

10. In December, 2023, we mourned with Mpika MP, Hon. Francis Kapyanga and his people over HH’s sale of over 120,000 hectares of Land around gold rich Kanyelele area in Mpika District to Canadian foreigners for mining purposes. Apart from being rich with gold and other precious minerals, this land sold to a foreign mining company is covering villages, grave yards and farms while traditional leaders and local people were never consulted. HH’s state dealership gesture is both, unacceptable, undemocratic and unpatriotic for sure.

11. According Socialist Party leader, Dr. Fred M’membe on 5th December, 2023, the UK’ Guardian Newspaper revealed that President HH so far has already and speedily sold 10% of Zambia’s forest land to UAE royalists for carbon credits. As nobody knows when and how much is involved, these are secret deals between Bally and his foreigners. With this record, HH is set to auction more sovereign territory for carbon credits and arable farming lands to foreigners by 2026 if he is not stopped or worse still, re-elected.

12. If 1. Chiefs, 2. village head persons, 3. MPs, 4. opposition parties, 5. civil society groups, 6. scholars, 7. media outlets, 8. human rights activists, 9. student groups, 10. church and religious leaders, 11. youth groups, and 12. women groups do nothing to stop him, HH will auction much of Zambian land (especially northern, Eastern, Muchinga and Luapula) to foreigners and his associates anyhow and at free price!


Some people now call President HH as “Madilu System” because, each week and month, his government is advertising, selling off or auctioning some sovereign assets like arable land, mine licenses or contracting foreign companies to under public works using local funds. HH’s capitalist treachery against our sovereign land and public assets must be stopped immediately if Zambia is to survive!

As long as these captioned 12 groups don’t stop HH with his Northern circuit Zambian land auctions or his “second privatization agenda”, expect half of our territory to be in foreign lands in the next few decades and thereby fulfilling Deuteronomy 28:43-44. HH’s appetite to do business especially to benefit foreigners is highest in Africa and selling part of our territory or national assets is something that he has always done in the past in our eyes!

Dr Chris ZUMANI Zimba is a Political Scientist, Researcher, Author & Consultant specialized in Comparative Global Governance and Democratic Theories. He holds a PhD, MA, BA and Cert in Political Science. Zimba was President Lungu’s Political Advisor from December 2019 to August 2021. By philosophical approach, Dr. Zimba is a Pan Africanist as well as Afro-Christian by religion.
Email: chriszumaniZimba.cz@gmail.com


  1. The Bible correctly puts it that the foreigners will rise higher than the ordinary citizens. What you need to understand is that we are all clay before the Creater and He can do whatever he wants with us (He can use us however He wants for good or bad).

    Just like Pharoah, God says he created him exactly for purpose. Pharaoh was created for that purpose, to fulfill what was recorded in the past.

    Prophesy, whether good or bad, shall be fulfilled no matter what but the question is who will be used to fulfill it? Remember, Judas and Pharoah were both used to fulfill Scripture.

    Remember that we are just clay before the Creater, so if we were created to fulfill Scripture for the wrong reasons then we were created for destruction.

    Pray to God so that He uses you for the good of others. That should be our prayer and not riches.

  2. Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing. Are you the only Jew who doesn’t know that climate change has prompted us to realign our activities. What the government is doing is simply to shift more agricultural activities from less rain South to more rain North. Land does not belong to HH for him to auction it, land belongs to Zambians and Chiefs are the custodians of this land (customary land) in their respective areas. So HH cannot just wake up one morning and start auctioning land in any part of this country without the consent of the Chiefs. Just get a portion also and start farming and contribute to the food basket of the country, otherwise just talking and talking everyday doesn’t pay. Land is not transferable, even if it’s given to a foreigner or foreigners, they won’t take it anywhere, one day the person given will go or die and will leave the land.

    • HH and UPND must effectively and convincingly counter this write up. This is dangerous divisionist regional politics. The opposition is likely to adopt
      these sentiments in order for the northern half of the country to turn against the president and his party. Land is a very sensitive issue. This is the reason why in many countries land is never sold to foreigners. Even where it is leased to foreigners it is done in partnership with nationals.

  3. Buddy you may be so stupid or usefulness to support HH or UPND policies, they will regret once the are out office. Immediately his immunity from prosecution will be lifted just as the trigger happy MP in parliament from Western province wants Edgar Lungu immunity lifted to face charges.
    Northern regions are aware of this and if you go to Kasama., Mwila, chinsali, luwingu Mporokoso or Kaputa, If MrsNalumango was to stand as MP wouldn’t even win worse HH. Luapula chiefs and their subordinates are very unhappy and HH must know he will not get their votes. Muchinga and Northern are quiet but knows what lesson the teach HH. Eastern ba kumawa, chiefs and subordinates are having highest meetings on regular basis to map and plan the most brutal beating of HH come May 2026 even the captured ECZ ,ZAF , Zambia army police , judiciary will not serve HH because HH at the moment he is the most hated individual 1 in Zambia,
    Those purchasing gigantic pieces of lands in the Northern, Luapula, Muchinga, Eastern must be carefully study the mood of the people and make decisions that won’t put them in arms ways with Local people and chiefs

  4. Doctor Zumani Zimba stop acting as if you are smart. You are just a mere theoretical and rethoric UNZA lecturer hallucinating and making unsubstantiated statements. First of all stop telling lies and accusing his Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema of auctioning any land in Zambia. The has no power to auction land. Investors and any person who wants land they first engage with their royal highnesses the Chiefs who are the custodians of the traditional and customary land. When the chiefs agreed with their subjects to offer land to foreigners (Investors) the government ‘s role is to facilitate the process for legalisation of the land.

    Secondly, his Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema should be recommended for halting the issuance of Community Management Forests for carbon credit. Many NGOs like BCP had gone through out the country to engage traditional leaders to acquire forests through partnerships with CFMGs for Carbon trading. However, it took swift intervention of the president to halt the process.

    Therefore, I encourage Doctor Zumani Zimba to read the Forest Act and get to know more about CFMGs and its acquisition than talking about matters which he does not fully understand. It is also not good for Doctor Zumani Zimba to mislead the masses. The Forestry Department under the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment and Ministry of Lands
    and Natural Resources should respond to the nonsense and misleading statements from Doctor Zumani Zimba and Doctor Fred M’membe.

    The government is on the right track in protecting and restoring our forests and they have put up tangible measures to promote the green economy.

  5. Corrected version @knowledge

    Doctor Zumani Zimba stop acting as if you are smart. You are just a mere theoretical and rhetoric UNZA lecturer hallucinating and making unsubstantiated statements. First of all, stop telling lies and accusing his Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema of auctioning any land in Zambia. The president has no powers to auction the land in Zambia. Investors and any person who wants land they first engage with their royal highnesses the Chiefs who are the custodians of the traditional and customary land. When the chiefs agreed with their subjects to offer land to foreigners (Investors) the government ‘s role is to facilitate the process for legalisation of the land.

    Secondly, his Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema should be recommended for halting the issuance of Community Management Forests (CFMGs) for carbon credit. Many NGOs like BCP had gone through out the country to engage traditional leaders to acquire forests through partnerships with CFMGs for Carbon trading. However, it took swift intervention of the president to halt the process.

    Therefore, I encourage Doctor Zumani Zimba to read the Forest Act and get to know more about CFMGs and its acquisition than talking about matters which he does not fully understand. It is also not good for Doctor Zumani Zimba to mislead the masses. The Forestry Department under the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment and Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources should respond to the nonsense and misleading statements from Doctor Zumani Zimba and Doctor Fred M’membe.

    The government is on the right track in protecting and restoring our forests and they have put up tangible measures to promote the green economy.

    • What Dr Chris doesn’t understand is that the group that is feeding him this nonsense have their agenda of dividing this country so that they can continue looting while Zambians remain suffering. The people behind the Dr maybe foreigners (colonial masters) who are seeing HH to be an obstacle of their agenda and will use division to weaken us.
      Please Dr Zuman let’s find the best way to handle this and the best way is unity.

  6. Unity in wrong doing is not what will take Zambia forward …..Selling land to foreigners is wrong no matter what others say.Zambia belongs to Zambians.


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