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HH is losing key allies at fast rate, he needs to introspect – Dickson Jere


HH is losing key allies at fast rate, he needs to introspect – Dickson Jere

By Brian Phiri(The Mast)

LUSAKA lawyer Dickson Jere says President Hakainde Hichilema is losing his key allies at fast rate.

He says when you start losing “your key allies especially those that do not need jobs just know something is not adding up”.

“The boss is losing his key allies at fast rate. He needs to introspect especially on those that supported him when it mattered!” Jere wrote on his Facebook wall.

But former lecturer at Evelyn Hone College, Herbert Macha argued that, “It is normal to lose some in any situation and still have support from those that believe in you. President HH is steadfast and his resilience to situations is there for one to see. It is laughable to assume that he is losing it that his ministers are not performing. How? Afred Alfred Zulu why should HH dissolve his Cabinet? What criteria are you using to assess their performance? I can cite the MoH [Ministry of Health] for instance is at 75-95% in medical supplies to health centres after finding it below 50%. The ministry of agriculture is on top [of] things! President HH has full support of his true allies those that stood for him when others were mocking him that he would never be President. Yes he may faulter here and there as human being.”

In response, Jere stated that: “Herbert Macha No, let us not just give support to our leaders when we can all see that the cookie is crumbling! We should learn to say it…Bishop [Telesphore] Mpundu was strong supporter of the President, what has happened? Brebner Changala was ever with the President, what has happened? Musa Mwenye supported the President, what has happened? The list goes on…when you start losing your key allies especially those that do not need jobs, just [k]now something [is] not adding up…I REPEAT, the boss needs some introspection!”

Jeff G Chungu wrote: “Key allies are us who woke up at ungodly hours to vote and guard the vote yet the only pay we have had is the corruption scandals, transferring of one problem from one ministry to the other, high cost of living and a vice president who responds to questions as though she does not live in Zambia. Ine (me) for now have stopped voting until further notice pantu (because) it seems politics in the Zambian context is not about service.”

Another Facebook going by the name Musonda Musonda Angel stated that: “The problem is the boss thinks he just came straight from heaven to lead us. Boss believes he’s the best thing that’s ever happened for Zed (Zambia).”

But Derricks Mwendafilumba said: “His responsibility is to the people of Zambian who voted for him and not individuals, the 2.8 million is what’s important. Ba (the) 1.8 million should up their game and clean up their mess. If there is shit that has hit the ceiling fans, it is in the opposition. The boss continues to score big time, do we need to be reminded? While we play politics on Facebook, the boss is on the ground with the grassroots. Go to Mambilima and tell them that the boss has lost it. The grassroots are not even aware about the 61 containers because all rural health centres including urban clinics have all the essential drugs and don’t walk away with prescriptions. Children are going to school without being sent away and university students are no longer starving.”


  1. Biggest problem with ba HH is his “a “laissez-faire leadership style defined as
    “the policy of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering.”
    Hence the corrupt have taken advantage!
    Trouble with corruption is “Perception.”
    Once a strong perception of corruption catches up with a leader, it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not. As long as you don’t take decisive action, you will be regarded as an enabler of corruption!
    The correct and wise course of action to take when one of your ministers is suspected of engaging in corrupt acts is to suspend them to pave way for investigations. When they are cleared, you reinstate them, like what RB did on Dora Siliya!
    That the level of integrity you need in Public Service!

    • You will be a bad leader who acts on hearsay or lies. How many are you going to fire or suspend. With the way Zambians talk the cabinet will be gone. Let investigations first be finalized then act.
      He has more information than you do baba.

    • It is a tricky situation. However, it is also unwise and unfair to suspend a Minister based on unverified information.

  2. Derrick mwendafilumba’s response to Dickson jere is very wrong. He refers to mambilima just becoz the mp there publicly criticised hh. Derrick you are a lier people of mambilima are not blind followers. Mr. Macha also your comment is just tribal support. What Mr jere is saying is true and a wake up call for HH. Why do you people just fail to state the truth?

    • Emmanuel Chishala be reminded and informed that Tresphore Mpundu wanted to be appointed Minister of Religious Affairs while Brebgner Changala expected a job in one of the Public Service Commissions. For Musa Mwenya I reserve my comment. So stop propagating falsehood and inaccuracies about Mambilima People. In any case the Mambilima Constituency PF MP, the girl is too childish and uncultured.

  3. The opposition have been found to be caught in the game of manipulation and are against those ministers working towards breaking up their sabotage plans. NHIMA was their cash cow and Silvia Masebo just uncovered the lid. They have seen a threat in her and don’t want her in government. HH is not so dumb.

  4. Mr. Jere who are these Key alliances? People like Musa Mwenye? We have a problem in this country; in that we tend to worship individuals until we see how tainted they really are. Musa Mwenye is a lawyer and State Counsel if am not wrong. For him to whine about being toothless as a Board is an absurd claim from a learned Counsel. He read the act at law school let alone ZIALE and practice so he knew what he was getting into. He failed to bring this to the President and Board Chairman he could have had a one on one with the head of state.
    These like many of the individuals who sought to prey on the state for their own personal gain, instead of serving the nation.
    Selfishness and selfgain is not public service. Lusaka has a clique, and deals revolve around these cliques. We see them driving fancy cars and hanging out big. But they all live off each other and the information they share in these cliques. Please Ba Jere dont agitate for cartels and tomfoolary that is perpetuated by a smal group of misguided individuals. Zambia is bigger than them and the self agrandisment they seek. Zambian if driven to produce is so much bigger than the listed individuals to a point we can all be happy. Stop using names and their cliques as a means to define success. Name worshiping is so vain, have some self confidence in yourself and your own values, achievements and self respect.


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