Home Politics PF HH must stop shielding Muchende—Harry Kalaba

HH must stop shielding Muchende—Harry Kalaba


HH must stop shielding Muchende—Harry Kalaba

…why dissolve ACC board for graft but fail to fire nephew


We are concerned at the fact that Zambia´s President Hichilema is shielding his nephew Marshal Muchende (Solicitor General) from facing the law and possible prosecution following allegations that he received a $500,000 bribe according to whistle blower reports.

The bribe allegation has been a matter of public discussion for a long time now, even the disgraced former ACC director general Thom Shamakamba commented on it before he was forced to resign in response to media queries.

A restriction notice was issued on a property Muchende is believed to have bought using the huge bribe which in Kwacha amounts to about K12.7 million.  

That is money that could go a long way in poverty reduction in our poor country where statistics show that more than 60 pc of our people live in abject poverty and sleep hungry every night.

“My question therefore is that why has Mr. Hichilema fired the former ACC chief Shamakamba, dissolved the Musa Mwenya board but cannot sack his nephew Muchende?”

Mr. Hichilema must not fight corruption selectively; he must be bold and fight graft within his government, family and not just past corruption. This Muchende issue if he is not careful will bring down.

We all recall that a day never passed without Mr Hichilema accusing his predecessor sixth President Edgar Lungu of corruption yet what we see today is totally scandalous, incomparable even to allegations or acts of corruption of the past.

We have always doubted Mr. Hichilema´s desire to fight corruption in the absence of declaring his assets, it´s all a façade.

Muchende must not be spared because he is a nephew. He must be suspended pending a full probe into his gross corruption allegations and Mr. Hichilema must stop covering up corruption.

Signed: Harry Kalaba

Citizens First President


  1. Bravo Mr Kalaba! Unfortunately, Solicter General Muchende has dirt on UPND fundraising received by a South African-based businessman, up to USD 600,000. This gives him leverage over his boss. It is becoming clear most prominent ministers have similar leverage over HH and thus they are allowed to engage in their loot and plunder unimpeded.

  2. Does our president listen to his cabinet, or does he always super impose what he wants done, does cabinet have an influence on decisions that are made by the president. I would like to have answers to these questions from the information minister before I forward my feelings on what should be done going forward.

  3. Mr Kalaba if you have proof of your allegations please reveal all. We do not wish to have corruption in HH S GOVERNMENT.

  4. And another Nephew we hear at Zesco who practices open Tribalism and Nepotism is sacred and untouchable. He employs and promotes his relatives. He has created a family tree at Zesco, who have become gods , openly practicing the ‘ it’s our time Philosophy ‘ . Hakainde’s nephews are really on an unholy mission!

    • These nephews should have a role model. And seriously following in his foot steps… Millionaires of unexplained wealth! Zambia – a family affair!


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