By Sishuwa Sishuwa

President Hichilema, why is your government still keeping Brebner Changala, Maureen Mabonga, Edith Nawakwi, Dan Pule, and Munir Zulu in detention days after their arrest? All the five suspects have now been charged, the offences they face are bailable, and the sureties have been provided. Yet they remain in police custody. Why?

By continuing to detain the suspects, your administration is in effect punishing them for offences they have not yet been convicted of. This violates the constitutional presumption of innocence, and both domestic and international human rights norms.

Please STOP this abuse of power and RELEASE Changala, Mabonga, Nawakwi, Pule, and Zulu NOW! Having charged the suspects, let them go and have their day in court.

I do hope that human rights bodies such as Human Rights Commission, United Nations Human Rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch will take interest in this unlawful, unreasonable, and unnecessary pretrial detention. Espionage is a bailable offence. Only murder, treason, and aggravated robbery are non-bailable offences in Zambia. Now join me in calling on the government to take the suspects to court, as opposed to the hide-and-seek games the police is playing for purposes of ensuring that the detainees spend the weekend in detention.


  1. On this one, I agree. After being charged, they’re supposed to be released and allowed to go home and wait for their day in court.

    • Sooner or later, you will agree on all counts, not just this one.

      We criticise not because we hate Hakainde, but we a better Zambia. Not the Zambia Hakainde is creating, despite all his campaign promises to go north. Now he is going south, at warp speed!

    • Sooner or later, you will agree on all counts, not just this one.

      We criticise not because we hate Hakainde, but because we want a better Zambia. Not the Zambia Hakainde is creating. Despite all his campaign promises to go north, he is now going south, at warp speed!

  2. This is where you can fully compare two educational out come. Education with knowledge and education with stupidity.
    Compare the two’s posting one an advise to to Thomas and one condemnation of HH. No school teaches wisdom. If your up bring was useless and lucked morals it’s almost impossible to see good in good. Once a monkey (a PhD paper is just a mere toilet tissue) alway one.

  3. Your advice does not go far enough because you just looking at one person, the president. If HH is abusing prevention rights, the detainees are also abusing their freedoms which the same HH has brought. They never had this freedom before and now that they have it, they think they are free to say and do anything even against the president himself. That’s total abuse of freedoms, therefore your advice can be appreciated if goes also to them. You have told the president but what have you told them or what are you telling them? Is that not a bias on your side? So your next letter should go to them and not to HH and we shall begin to appreciate you, not ukulasaila lyonse just for the sake of talking. When you go to the hospital, doctors treat the disease quite alright but they are interested to know how it came, what cause it and how it can be avoided. So you also try to ask yourself what’s causing all these detentions, what’s causing them and how can they can be avoided. If we take this path, then we shall be somewhere.

  4. Hakainde has turned out to be nothing but a fraudster, has failed to live up to the economic promises he made and now even the rule of rule, he clearly is the one signing off no such nonsense.he loves foreigners (Egyptians) more than he loves non Tongas.

  5. In academia, any write up that becomes too personal as to name calling will be treated as trash!
    Why can’t Sishuwa articulate issues like Professor PLO Lumumba?
    When did President HH become a police officer?
    Aren’t you supposed to be addressing the Home Affairs and Justice Ministries?
    You see, you can have valid points but each time you start saying HH this, HH that, all we see is personal hatred!

    • What a load of malarkey! Shishuwa is not arguing ad hominem. He is talking to the organ grinder and not to the monkey!!!

  6. Surely shuwa2 should know which crimes are none bailable in Zambia?? Or it’s just being a typical Matero Dr!!!


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