Home Politics Citizens First HH’s UK Trip Shocks  Harry Kalaba

HH’s UK Trip Shocks  Harry Kalaba


UK Trip Shocking!

Whoever is advising Mr Hichilema on International Relations is ill informed in terms of setting out priorities.
Either President HH doesn’t have well-schooled advisors, or he is simply ignoring the advice he is given, In my view he should have prioritised his fellow SADC colleague’s inauguration Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa especially that Zambia is the Current SADC chairperson of the SADC Organ Troika on Politics, Defence and Security instead of rushing to the UK for a speaking event.

These are the very elections our former Vice President Enock Kavindele went to monitor on his behalf. Its shameful Mr President. Shunning events like the swearing-in of fellow SADC Presidents and missing other top-level events on the continent only alienates Zambia from its neighbours further for the first time in almost 60 years of independence.

It’s noteworthy´ that President Hichilema did not attend the burial ceremony of the fallen vice President of Malawi Saulos Chilima and has ´skipped´ congratulating regional leaders on their elections several times.

We are aware that President Hichilema is doing the bidding for the UK for self-serving purposes and not for the greater good of Zambia and SADC.

We understand he is begging for an honorary degree because he wants to start being called “Dr HH” and for that he just wantonly ignores SADC, what a shame.
The next government that takes over Zambia in 2026 will have a huge task re establishing good diplomatic relations after President Hichilema´s exit because, the damage he has done in just about three years is too much.

Zambia has become a ´laughingstock´ in continental diplomacy since Mr Hichilema became President.

Harry Kalaba
Citizens First,
Member of the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA).


  1. Just shut up Kalaba . Do you even know when this trip was planned. Having been a foreign affairs minister doesn’t make youba star. You are just one if those useless people on the scene; pompous and arrogant for nothing.

  2. Useless and a hopeless presidential aspirant.a president who rushed to a mall for an iphone only to be embarrassed.when you speak please do it for yourself.HH has our support

  3. Kalaba. You sound so petty and jealous. Why do you not let HH rule in peace. He is trying his best to set things straight that your boss man and his cadres destroyed.you for sure will never be president.

  4. President elect Kalaba (after HH)
    Please don’t engage in this trivial matter, you are made of better things and you are my (next) president.
    These kind of comments belong to the corrupt PF and CHIKALA lungu

  5. These comments certainly make Kalaba laughable. A former foreign affairs minister commenting like that, phew! Which school have you gone to that makes you think HH’s advisor are poorly schooled on matters of advising yhe president. How well did you advise your leader/s yourself if today their fingers are sooooo soiled? Please keep your irrelevant knowledge to yourself and UKA pressers. Totally no substance at all in what you’re talking about. You need to work hard to atleast have a councilor in 2026 not these illusions of forming govt. You can’t, you won’t and really you cant.

  6. Harry Kalaba may have served as Foreign Affairs minister for Zambia but he was not an effective one. I know for a fact that in one meeting with Jordanian officials Kalaba dropped a clanger when he spoke on the basis of what he thought he knew. He was embarrassed upon being told that Jordan was not a producer of oil. This means that Kalaba did not prepare what to say in his meeting with Jordanian government officials. As for HH’s UK trip, it’s certainly by invitation and not at his request. No such requests ever came to either President Michael Sata or President Edgar Lungu as neither was seen urbane enough to grace such occasions. It’s this that Kalaba is too ashamed to admit.

  7. Does Mr. Kalaba want the President to consult or get permission from him before he travels out? President Ruto told the Kenyan people that traveling is part of his job and he has just returned from USA where he was hosted by President Biden. Ba Kalaba, international relations with other countries like UK are very important for Zambia and the President is there to cement those relations at the same time attract more direct investments in critical areas like Energy, Mining, Agriculture and Tourism. Don’t forget that Zambia is back in the league.


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