Nason Msoni

Nason Msoni


Clearly, Mr Hichilema is struggling politically, he is a President with no message for the masses. His totally redundant in terms of churning out convincing political messages that can win him a second term in office.

His political rantings have no substance to write home about save for his usual posturing about his past personal challenges as an Opposition leader and the perceived litany of failures of the previous administration.

Halfway through in his term of office we expected that Mr Hichilema should now be showing us what he has done to address those failures he is highlighting of the previous administration.

In a nutshell Mr Hichilema is still stuck in the past and that’s what is making him totally irrelevant to the current discourse.

His rent-a-crowd strategy appears to be floundering and in essence is a failed ruse that will not win him public confidence.

He has squandered every opportunity to deliver deliverables through his poor choice of appointments in government which unfortunately have not added any political value and benefits to his political ambition.

No President with such negative showing ever gets re-elected for a second term of office.

He may well start writing his own political obituary. He is finished a politician, perhaps the more the reason why he is being rejected as a guest of honour.

Sadly he is being rejected in areas which traditionally were perceived to be his strongholds or his backyard.

Arguably, the presidency moving forward is wide open for grabs in 2026, by any serious challenger as the incumbent president has miserably failed to tick.


  1. Correct me if I am wrong. Is Mr. Msoni not a leader of an opposition political party? If so why does he not take advantage of President HH’s perceived failures?

  2. @Eagle, you have a major point. Indeed, why can’t this looser called nason Msoni take advantage of President HH’s failure to win people over his side instead of talking NONSENSE ALL THE TIME AND YET HE IS FAILING TO PUT EVEN A SINGLE MP IN PARLIAMENT. TRIBALIST MSONI, SHUT IT!!

    • To the best of my knowledge Mr. Msoni’s party has never contested for anything, not even at ward level!!

      If that is not being irrelevant to our political dispensation, then what is it? No manifesto, no structures at any level at all!!

  3. Uyu mudala Musoni aliye nansoni ayi! Trying to reap where he did not even saw any seed.
    HH picked and saw Musoni’s last minute conversion on the way to Damascus. I think Musoni believed nobody would see his antics of jumping the queue for a top job in front of genuine freedom fighters that were brutalised by PF in opposition!!

  4. I tend to wonder what, even an elderly man like Msoni can not see anything good that the UPND New Dawn government and it’s Alliance Partners under President Hakainde Hichilema; the President of the Republic of Zambia has done. Surely, even these that I will or going to count for you and friends friends of the same furthers is not part of his promises?


    1. He promised free education, free education is here now. Is this bad, even for you who was educated by the UNIP government under the greater. Dr. Kenneth Buchizya David Kaunda or you just want to be greed.
    2. He promised giving back to public Universities, students meal allowances which was removed by LUNGUS PF government through uncle LUO – he has done it. Is this not good s promise fulfilled?
    3. Increased skills bursaries to most youths – he’s done it. This was not there but this government has introduced it and is paying for all those who are willing to take up these skills trainings.
    4. Inclusive cabinet – he had done it compared to the one that was there on PF
    5. He promised employment for the youths and qualified Zambian citizens – he has done it and still doing so ( we have seen many qualified Zambians being employed in the Security service, local government and rural development, health and education respectively. Numbers don’t lie. Is thus also not good?
    6. Stopping cadarism – he has done so though there are could be isolated incidences or cases, but he has done it some of these isolated cases are the works of the evil PF of 2015 – 2021 cadres some of them are those who are crossing the bridge to the other side and may be fee annoyed party members who feel the heat of what they went through under PF these are few but about 95% in thys area of thought is his score. Very important and absolutely good. We have peace now compared to the time of the gassers
    7. He promised the council’s to be in charge of markets and bus stops and start collecting revenue – he has done it, councils have now an assured base or source of income and are mostly paying even their workers. Is this not good? or you just wanted the PF cadres to be collecting levies and other revenue instead of the council, were you a beneficiary, I wonder.
    8. He promised to unite the country based on One Zambia One Nation MOTO he has do it and still doing so despite the dead snake – PF which seem to be alive yet it is gone just the tail that seem to be shaking and scaring the people yet it is over with it’s evil behaviour.
    9.He promised to fight corruption, this is what he is doing despite the noise from the corrupt thieves otherwise things are happening. WINA AZALILA
    10. He promised to fix the economy and this is what he is doing. He has finalised some negotiations with the creditors which the PF defaulters failed to clinch even after hiring Lazard as a Consultant. PF borrowed excessively, corruptly gave themselves contracts on inflated tender prices, they paid themselves even when nothing was done on the contracts that they gave themselves. Just think about that what type of leaders were they. Terribly evil leaders that can just be compared to the agents of the devil.
    11. He promised to respect traditional leaders by according them same respect and not segregating and even lining them up for something like their subjects. He is doing so. I’d this not good surely? If not what good are looking at Mt. Msoni
    12. He promised to increase CDF allocation and decentralised the local government system. He has done so
    13. He promised unity of purpose where any political party member can wear their regalia and go wherever they want. He has do so. Is this not good bakalamba
    15. He promised to unlock MOPANI COPPER MINE, KCM and KASENSELI. We have seen already being unlocked including SHAFT 28 in Luanshya and through these two we are assured of employment and some liquidity in terms of cash in these towns and the Country as a whole. We also expect KCM and Kasenseli being next on his agenda. The delays are because of Court cases which were caused and brought about by your friends the ECL PF. Is this not good mudala wandi or you just wanted Milingo Lungu, the liquidator to continue getting more on top of the US$24 million that he store plus, plus to continue milking that asset while the people in that town including the suppliers wanted their payments including stalled jobs for the Chingola and Kitwe citizens and Zambia at large to be the way it was under your friends the PF?


    Some of the things that are yet to be fulfilled which I know and other meaning Zambia know include;
    1. Reducing the cost of living .i.e. cost of mostly meal mill, transport, fuel and other daily basic needs especially for the most needy people in our communities or society. But for you or because for you and your friends the PF you always buy your clothes even now in the shopping malls where just a t- shirt costs between K350.00 and K500.00 while our majority citizens this to them is the money to use on a monthly budget for their being. For you you always go to have your lunch in hotels where a meal costs not less than K150.00 while for them this is what they will always go round and look for a Meda of maize and take it Ku chigayo for their milling. These are the things that the President is very much aware of and together with his team are working to resolve.

    2. He is resolving, The more than US$ 30 billion debt your PF left for both international and local lenders is being dismantled and this is a very big burden that a normal person who did it could thank the President but thieves have no shame on them, there are like sorcerers, witches ( indoshi). Because had it not been for our Creator the LORD GOD who gave us or giving us President Hakainde Hichilema, this time Inga nabamba nokutopoka Infinitu especially by China and bond holders. I say so because it had happened in other countries and also those who know how kaloba mukomboni works, how abene bazanda will testify. Even borrowing from the banks once you default they always or will grab your property that you paraded as collateral; because nabena Inga ni Kubank Indaiama shilaba shabeneee, ama deposters hence.

    3. Amafuta nayena ( fuel ) they were just getting without paying the OMCs and now the owners who supplied the country with fuel want their money. You can’t ask Lungu if you ask him kusabuka kwati nimu tavern Mili chibuku- but Kwena, it’s something else ukukana nokubeba ATI your the former head of state kutekanya pakulanda ATI uko. Yabaaa. Aweee sure

    So we have to learn to appreciate some of these things. It is health and good for ourselves as individuals and also the nation at large than just ukulandalanda. Aweee bane. We deserve better from the opposition.

  5. This Disgraced version of TD Jakes is a big disappointment!
    When your heart is full of envy , hate, malice and jealousy towards an individual, it doesn’t matter what good they do, it will all be painted black!
    How do you expect President Dr HH to fix in 5 years what was destroyed in 7 years?
    Thank God this failed tribal old generation is slowly dying out!

  6. You are the one who doesn’t have a message for the people, that’s why you can’t even win a ward. Who even listens to the rubbish that come out of your filthy mouth? People listen to intelligent people like HH and not to fools like you. HH talks sense and that’s why people overwhelmingly voted for him and you are the same people who are busy saying HH lied. If he had no message, could he have managed to win the last general elections? People now are more politically wise than before, they can easily differentiate sense from nonsense.

  7. If you can’t see any good that President Hakainde Hichilema has done in under two years, then you are better dead than wasting time on earth doing nothing.


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