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Hichilema is too proud… He thinks he’s the only one who knows it all – Kateka


Hichilema is too proud – Kateka … He thinks he’s the only one who knows it all

By Esther Chisola

United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) vice chairperson Chishala Kateka says President Hakainde Hichilema is facing reality as he was fond of demonising former president Edgar Lungu the time he was in the opposition.

In an interview with Daily Revelation, Kateka said President Hichilema was telling the people that he would be able to do whatever he was promising.

“But he and I know what is happening to him, he was sowing a seed as well because for me, I find him not to be a very humble person. He is a very… https://dailyrevelationzambia.com/hichilema-is-too-proud-kateka-he-thinks-hes-the-only-one-who-knows-it-all


  1. At least HH promised people and he is trying to do that which he promised people. Tell us what you are going to do so that we hold you accountable to that when you become president (in the next life I guess). Commit yourself to some promises, don’t just point point others. On the issue of know it all, I have never heard him say he knows it all but people who are dull rush to call him the I know it all man. Intelligent people will get some thing from him and also push their side of view and the compromise will be agreed. Dull people just keep quiet in the meetings then go outside and call him the I know it all man.

    • Ofcourse he is, ah ah, you want him to lie or to carry himself low when he is the best of the best. If not , all you top leaders at UKA were leaders before,in GRZ or Private but look at all your track records. Iwe Chishala you store money at the Banks but you are still poor. Your ECL spent 7 years as president to just borrow, which HH has paid back in 3 years. Give me another name pls?

  2. Madame, avoid such statements, you are now sounding too personal. When did HH ever claim that he is a know it all man? Ba opposition now, you seem to have run out of ideas especially that you have grouped yourselves in UKWA. Every time each one of you opens his/her mouth, it’s HH this, HH that, you mean you have no other message apart from discrediting HH? It’s just yesterday when you lost all the 9 Ward by elections because you simply have no message for Zambian voters. Very soon we shall hear that we want to hold a rally, imagine holding a rally just to go and talk about HH amidst all the challenges of drought that we are facing and you hope to gain political mileage out of that. Are you not the one who had a rally in Mandevu? This time, Madame, abantu bwalicha, they are well informed and make their own informed decisions. You need to tell the voters what you will do better than HH when you come to power, otherwise if you have nothing to tell us, just shut up and leave HH to continue working for Zambia. People are now interested to hear about the solutions to their problems like food security and energy, HH is not Jesus to feed the 18 million Zambians, we have to support and work with him and we shall overcome. God is there.

  3. You want HH to be very humble? Why? Our previous president was said to be very humble. The result was cadres et al trampled all over him and the country was a joke. Constructive criticism of the President’s policies and performance is healthy for the country. But going personal is cheap and a dignified person like Ms Kateka should avoid such politics.

  4. Madam, can you surely compare a snake with a human being. A murderer with an innocent person, a thief with a faithful person, a drunkard with a sober person, a womanizer with a good husband of only one wife, a manager with a kaponya, a visionary leader with a visionless person, a crook with a an innocent President, a problem solver with a creator of problems, a person who likes insulting with a leader who hates insults.

    Very far from it. You can’t compare HH to ECL.

    Its like darkness and light

  5. HH has a higher IQ that you kateka. You are both a failed banker and a politician. Please stick to giving a diverse views on government policies rather than being personal.


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