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Hichilema must dissolve his Cabinet and make a new one from his back benchers- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

President Hichilema must dissolve his Cabinet and make a new one from his back benchers

As Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services, Lukulu Member of Parliament, Dr. Christopher Kalila led the committee to establish the availability of medicines, medical supplies and laboratory reagents in health facilities.

The committtee also looked at the deplorable state of hospital equipment and the issues affecting the local pharmacuetical industry.

As a former deputy Minister of Health and medical doctor of vast experience, he knew what needed to be done.

The Committee penned a fantastic report with over view issues and detailed recommendations.

The Committee comprised Hon. Marjory Nakaponda (Vice Chairperson), Hon. Paul Chala, Hon. Miles Sampa, Hon. Christopher Kalila (Chairperson) Hon. Leevan Chibombwe, Hon. Masautso Tembo and Hon. Heartson Mabeta, Hon. Joseph musanje and others.

I suspect, Hon. Silvia Masebo treated the report as a direct challenge to her troubled and continued stay at the Ministry and attacked it as a piece of work from the Opposition to scandalise government, even when the Committee was headed by a veteran and loyal UPND member.

She led a spirited fight to reject the adoption of the parliamentary report and its detailed recommendations. With the arrogance of numbers, the UPND managed to torpedoe the report and it was rejected.

However, the critical issues and challnges raised continue to plagque the health sector todate.

Masebo is now highly tainted with numerous scandals trailing her.

The $100 million scandal meant for the construction of infectious diseases hospital is a case in point.

In May 2022, the Ministry of Health awarded a contract for the construction and equipping of Infectious Disease Isolation Hospitals at a total cost of US$98,817,578 to a South African company.

The contractor wrote and signed a letter to President Hakainde Hichilema informing him that his Minister solicited for a bribe, and a high value car. The contractor also disclosed that he hosted Ms. Masebo in South Africa.

The Contractor also gave similar details to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

Now we have the $65million scandal irregularly procured, and the medicines dispatched drom Egypt beginning November 2023.

The trucks could not be cleared for seven months due to small issues such as ZRA clearance, paying for transport and warehousing costs.

This week, the Ministry of Health finally paid transport costs and demurrage charges worth K9 million after details of lthe ong stranded trucks, were being discussed by the Opposition.

The goods have been stranded in 61 trucks parked at a Makeni Warehouse and have been in the elements, rain, sun, cold, dust, for seven months and this is a likely total waste of the $65 million procurement!

Masebo now wants to create a red herring and blame ZMMSA, like she did when she unfairly blamed the Permanent Secretary, George Magwende, who was later dismissed and subjected ro a humilating arrest and purported prosecution.

She is likely to put, whatever his weakness, ZMMSA Director General, Victor Nyasulu and subject him through the same mill!

It’s not Masebo to blame, its President Hakainde Hichilema who refuses to deal with Masebo,and fails to authorise her arrrest and prosecution.

Further President Hichilema continues to punish and remove Permanent Secretaries such as George Magwende and Professor Lackson Kasonka and other officials from the Ministry and its affiliated organisations at the expense and sacrificed to allow Masebo to stay in her portfolio.

Yet the UPND has able persons such as Dr. Christopher Kalila. Kalila is highly experienced and has been Minister at the Health Ministry before.

Kalila is also Chairman of the Zambian TB Caucus.

It is clear that President Hichilema has failed so far. But his Cabinet has become a danger to his own continued rule for its sheer incompetence, its failure to perform, and its silence in the face of critical sectoral challenges and crises threatening to collapse his government.

Infact Hichilema can appoint a new Cabinet from his back benchers as the Party has many capable men and women to replace the highly incompetent, negligent, inexperienced and in many cases part of a thieving bunch.


  1. Mr Mwamba you are one of a very dangerous and craft person in as far as Zambian politics is concerned, infact more craft than even Lungu the green mamba himself. You are a very dangerous person and I am sure even most of your colleagues in the PF party and UKWA bag is concerned.

    Like a snake which you are, you always like to kill others with your poisonous words that are and always have counterfeit baked when stollen and counterfeited to sound like real yet it is just a ploy to create tension in some Camps and Country at large. A good leader does not act like that the leader whom I know to always in such a manner is satan – the devil which is very very unfortunate for a young man like you who even worked with president Chiluba and even at his death I think you know very well since were very near or close to him.

    Like Freddie Mmembe, I have never heard you talk of the stollen money at Frederick Chiluba University, like Freddie Mmembe I have never heard you talk about the tribalist remarks by Munir Zulu and Mfuwe lady MP, like Freddie Mmembe I have never heard you talk on the insults of Edgar Changwa Lungu on the President ( the uyu mambala words ), like Freddie Mmembe I have never heard you talk about the bloodshed of innocent Zambians who were killed in their big numbers by PF regime and it’s Lungu and Kapyongo group, like Freddie Mmembe I have never heard you talk of Dan PULES DUNAMIS Church political preaching by Lungu on that Church, like Freddie Mmembe I have never heard you talk of condemning Lungu on uwulya mwibala alya mwibala as long as you don’t eat the seed ( thieves), like Freddie Mmembe I have never heard you talk of the swearing of Lungu by a junior judiciary officer, like Freddie Mmembe I have never heard you talk of breaking of bones by PF on the youths including many other evil acts that PF did to the Country or indeed the confusion in UKWA to ask Nakacinda to step aside. So what type of a person are you who always lived in propaganda and violence intentions in the Country.

    But to tell you the truth, looking at your previous records especially starting from the time when former president Chiluba was out of office and how to some extend you worked with Michael Chilufya up to the time of Chilubas death and even now is very difficult for someone to get advice from you, even if you somehow or there’s a bit of sense in in what you say. Very difficult because you are not faithful and trustworthy.

    So even the calling of PRESIDENT HH to dissolve his cabinet can’t work because it’s not even Honourable Silvia Masebo who is not doing her job it’s the demons, your demons that are in some of the government institutions that are doing that, and with you when they succeed on doing wrong and then bring you this information and it happens like that, you become very happy and even cebrating because you know that there will be a crisis or confusion in the Country and suddenly in government. WALAAA! Your tricks are known and the government is much far ahead of you, it’s just a matter of time. But such type of reasoning mentality is just and from the Devil – Lucifer so nothing can work and no need to listen to the devil that is impossible.

    Your agents are being rooted out slowly and you will cry foul when this start massively happening because even what they have will be gotten away from them. Time for their reckoning is near.

    So the President is firmly in Charge so is his Ministers, any public staff who will do shortcuts and stand in the way of development will be removed from the way and land of the living. It’s too much of the same you, who always sees good in yourselves and not in others! aweeee. That is not the way civilized people live. It’s too much, but the good thing is that, you are and you will end up making yourselves irrelevant. It’s just a matter of time.

    The first thing You have to do is to dissolve yourself, then come to your PF and end up with bunch of crooks club called UKWA not the cabinet on new dawn, you are not part of it babaaaaa.

    • But HH is equally crafty! Thats politics. Why do you want to shut him up? Politicians only weapon is talk talk and talk. You yourself should join them since you yap as much as Mwamba and HH

  2. Iwe Mwamba you cant go to war and start telling your enemy “Hey you have positioned your anti-tanks too far to the left bring them to the centre! And put more footsoldiers at the front!”
    Stop advising HH. Advise Lungu and Sampa your two presidents

  3. Well spoken Mankambiz. I thought I was the only one who saw this in Ema Mwamba. The serpent in Eden could learn a few tricks from him.

  4. Oh please keep quiet. Day in and our you want to speak when you are so soiled with criminality? Where are your morals that grant the right to “point thr speck in another’s eye when in your own there is a log”. Mwamba introspect….until you show us introspect, you are a hypocrite

  5. Mwamba….I forgot you are still alive, stealing oxygen and making noise just to try and be relevant. Look here….you are as corrupt as your father lungu and PF, you belong to a group of thugs who have PHD’s in graft.
    Just shut that hole in your face.


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