Home Politics PF Hichilema’s Govt and Gay Rights- Jackson Silavwe

Hichilema’s Govt and Gay Rights- Jackson Silavwe


Hichilema’s Govt and Gay Rights

arrest of Dr. Brian Chota Sampa – BCS and his team on their match against homosexuality has sent a very terrible signal to the Nation. It also shines the spotlight on the seriousness of Government to uphold the Christian and Cultural beliefs of our Country.

“Can this Government of Zambia match it’s words into tangible actions in upholding the national values as enshrined in the Republican Constitution or it is just LIP SERVICE?”

Homosexuality is a crime under our laws and the police must be arresting those PRACTICING IT not individuals ENCOURAGING them to IMPLEMENT THE LAW. The exchange between the police officer right before Dr. Sampa’s arrest further exposes the officers ignorance about the provisions of the public order act. Dr. Sampa was on firm ground.

It’s worth surmising that the police officers were acting under clear instructions to stop a lawful procession. I call for the immediate and unconditional release of Dr. Sampa and let them finish their peaceful protest.

Surely if the powers that be are afraid of just receiving a simple letter of concern from a citizen how then can we sort out the deep challenges facing our Nation? Real issues do not need cosmetic solutions.

GPZ, For Christian and Cultural Values!

Silavwe Jackson



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