Home Politics PF High Court Throws Out Zumani Zimba’s Application For Bail

High Court Throws Out Zumani Zimba’s Application For Bail

Chris Zumani
Zumani Zimba


FORMER President Edgar Lungu’s political advisor Chris Zumani Zimba will never come out of detention until finalization of the terrorism case he is facing is finalized and exonerated.

This follows High Court Judge Conceptor Chinyama’s decision to throw out an application in which Mr Zimba applied for bail pending hearing of the case he is charged with three others.

The Judge ruled that the section 69A of the Anti-Terrorism and Non-Proliferation Act no. 6 of 2023 does not allow granting bail as prayed for by Mr Zimba and others.

“Consequently, the Applicants’application for bail pending trial fails as the offence which they stand charged with is non bailable as provided by Section 69A of the Anti-Terrorism and Non-Proliferation Act no. 6 of 2023,” Judge Chinyama said in the ruling yesterday

Mr Zimba has been given a greenlight to appeal against the decision.

This is in a case Mr Zimba, Given Phiri , 37, of Misisi Township ,Marlone Banda, 36, of 12 Miles area and Portipher Gwai, 44, of Plot Mutendere Compound in Lusaka are accused of being in Possession of Articles for terrorism or proliferation purposes Contrary to Section 25 of the Anti- terrorism Act number 6 of 2018 as read with Section 2 of the Amended Anti–terrorism Act number 6 of 2023.

It is alleged that the accused jointly and whilst acting together with others unknown did possess offensive articles namely Deep 600 and Halothane and others with intent to endanger life.

This charge is in connection with the gassing incidents which rocked the nation between 2019 and 2020 leading to deaths and instant justice mobs against suspected gassers.




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