Home Politics PF Hon. Binwell Mpundu Implicated In The Fake Abduction Of Jay Jay Banda

Hon. Binwell Mpundu Implicated In The Fake Abduction Of Jay Jay Banda

Binwell Mpundu

Police interview people about a case not because someone mentioned them but because the evidence leads them to that person.

This thing will backfire on PF Ukwa team, they seem to have orchestrated this “abduction” of non political factor so that they can use it to create chaos in the nation. In my opinion, it seems JJ and friends planned and executed this together.


  1. Handwriting and Fingerprint experts will be able to determine who wrote the suicide note on behalf of the Abductee!
    Every crime leaves behind a trail of leads!
    We just hope it’s not the honorable’s handwriting!
    It’s quite fascinating how police quickly piece pieces of evidence together.
    We’ll soon know the whole truth behind the alleged abduction!

  2. As at now we don’t know anything of substance on the Ja Jay case. Police can interview any person who might help with investigations…but as usual the rogue media we have in Zambia in partnership with the Mingalatoons want to parrade a certain narrative that Uka Organised the Abduction… Pursuing this theory though, through Rogue Media propaganda before police concludes the investigatios , is looking more like that is a belated fall back option of the abduction, after the initial intention fails , get some benefit stil….to frame some leaders of the opposition.Half a cake is better!

    There are many possible theories in this case.

    1. The state orchestrates the abduction , plants the suicide note so that it looks like suicide, but because of the heat the abduction causes , abandons the plan mid way.. Benefits? 9 wards in the bag, Petauke next. This is a very strong theory.

    2. Jay Jay plans to commit suicide but as happens in many attempted suicides , it’s not easy and he abandons the plan. This theory is not very strong though.

    3. Opponents of the government conduct this abduction so as to cause anarchy in the country. This is a very weak theory.
    The suicide note defeats this theory. Why should the planners of the abduction whose intentions are to frame the government leave a suicide note, which exonerates the same government they want to frame?? This is odd. It doesn’t make sense.

    Theories 1 and 2 are more plausible..The suicide note is key. The Police have forensic
    experts.. handwriting experts, who can tell whether Jay Jay wrote that suicide note…if it was a typed note. Theory 2 becomes more weaker and theory 1 becomes more stronger. Theory 3 is still very weak.

    If Jay Jay mentioned some 3 people as being responsible, well a professional police will have to interview these leads at some point in time. That’s how police work
    What of some bounty Ba Kapokola??
    K5 Million reward to any one with information leading to the arrest of the Abducters! In these hard Mingatoon times, who can’t relish the idea of laying hands on this money. Like Tony Montana said in Scarface ” With this money one can buy the Supreme Court” .
    An offer of money can crack this case, that is if the Police want to solve it!

    • As usual hypothetical hallucinations of pfidiots! Now you even want to be paid for what you schemed will work for you bunch of thieves!!!

    • Hallucinating and a hypocrite. Perfect name, actually.
      Common sense is best suited to answer your various scenarios. We know all those, like yourself, excitedly braying and even alerting the public to the ‘event’ are the ones who orchestrated it
      The government is not this stupid. This is the work of juvenile brains trying to cause instability in the country. PFools.

  3. @Impemfu
    Difficult cases are easily solved at times if a reward is offered.
    The USA has put bounties on suspected terrorists , criminals and cases have been solved using this approach. Osama bin laden was nailed because of the $25million bounty put on his head.Even us in Zambia have tried this approach before for example in the Strangler case.
    If the Zambia Police really wants to get to the bottom of this case, a reward of some sort can be dangled, instead of phishing in the dark..and allowing propaganda to take over the investigations. People will Start coming forward with information , and the culprits will be nailed easily.
    So Mr Cockroach , chill! this is a normal police practice, unless you yourself don’t want the case to be solved, so that you continue lavishing in propaganda.

    • Hypocricy seems to clearly have entrenched itself in your head if you think you can hoodwink the police or government to start offering money for some stupid pf/ukwa scam, then you’re a bigger pfidiot than this same mpundu that made an unsolicited statement that he was one the last people to talk to his friend before disappearing. Now at the police should stop fishing in the dark when they question him? Are you ok, oh I forgot you’re hallucinating!!!!

  4. @Hallucinating Hypocrite
    But Binwell had put that bounty
    And former Kateka promised that he’d find JJ at whatever cost even if it meant crossing the oceans.
    How sure was he? Maybe he knew where he was hiding kkkkk
    And being a former chitechi why didn’t he seek for the police investigations but went on to promise that he’d personally find JJ? There’s too many questions in this failed scrip

  5. And moreover this guy hasn’t been settled in talking and has issuing statements because he knows what he’s doing behind. Ukulandalanda nako limo nalyo kulaletelela. Tepapa, bakukila na ku Lusaka umulandu wamusamwe

  6. Pa Zed, kuwayawayafye. Police contaminated the crime scene. Driving and hiding Jay Jay’s vehicle. What forensic expert can even risk undertaking this nonsenses?

    • What proof do you have that the Police drove Jay Jay’s car? You are speculating and making inflamatory statements that you may not be able to substaniate when the law follows you.
      This is exactly why Mpundu is being picked up and arrested, while suggesting abduction. Was the arrest unlawful?
      Evidence will speak not these speculative suggestions you want to make. Lets use logic and sound critical thought.

  7. They didnt come to abduct. The Police dont abduct. They arrest. Stop misleading people with your vain demagogagory.
    There is nothing of substance as you think you have immunity yet like all of us. We are equal before the law. You should be serving the Constituents that elected you instead you spew nonsense that is divisive and not in the interest of the very people that elected you.
    Get your perspective right. Serve the electorate not a group of misguided individuals and their interests; who are but self serving as they did when they were in office.
    The Police arrest, the law allows them to do so they dont abduct….


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