Home Politics PF I am Sorry To The UPND For The Presidents Speech On Progress...

I am Sorry To The UPND For The Presidents Speech On Progress Made In The Application Of National Values And Principles- Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya

Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya



I am sorry to you the UPND because you are the only ones who expected something to come out of that report. I didn’t.

Many people called for the postponement of the report to allow him to get ready.

SURELY, for all the talking he did, the amount time he spent on that report, the only thing that should trend on social media all day long is Hon Jean Chisenga urging the president to reduce on lying – awe bane tachiweme!

This shows how disinterested people are. And I must tell you that people are disinterested because of what you are doing to them – that is why I strongly recommend that you change your ways.

Anyway, I just thought of expressing my regret for UPND today – I am really sorry!



  1. Mutotwe has diarrhea of the mouth.
    For your information Mutotwe, as UPND we are very focused and you will be suprised.
    Your PF was full of thieves and we shall expose you.

  2. The speech by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia was very powerful and inspiring.

    What a speech; it touched on alot of issues and on progress made and being made on national values.

    We as parenta or encouraging even parents, the Church and traditional leaders among other sections of the society on how we should encoucate good morals in out children, friends, neighbours in our respective locations and the Country at large of how we should live with others snd ourselves to mentiom but a few.

    But to hear this one ati nani uyu uyu ati ndani eeengee ati kafwafya to say that he was sorrry is a shame or disgrace to himself but since he was used to being arrogant in the piefu of 2015 to August 11th of 2021 then we can u understand why there was too much blood shed, break down on the rule of law, corruption at it’s peak, no respect of the law and citizens of certain regions and tribes liking them to animsls and specifically to cows; very sad indeed.

    That team had a collapsed leadership with no morality.

    A noble person who was in that team could not even have the audacity of criticising the best and good things only the agents of Lucifer are used to tbat and can do so becausr it is their lifestyle – very difficult for them to repent. The limes of kafwafya

    Otherwise we are aeing civility in our Country now. Keep it Mr. President the Almighty God is guiding and the enemy will fall.


  3. I would actually encourage him to feel sorry for himself. Why do these people speak on our behalf? They even say “uka”? Who slept? They have suddenly woken up from their defeat only to find Miles Sampa has taken their party. Now, they are telling the country to wake? Who slept? Ba former, please, the current president is above your pay cheque. Wakuleka fye!

  4. Ba Kafwaya, feel sorry for yourself. Somehow, you delude yourselves that you are smart but Mr. Sampa grabbed your PF from right under your noses. And you were one of the presidential aspirants yet you were ndwiiiii while Mr. Lungu played hide and seek.

    We are slowly re-establishing the values of our nation which were completely decimated by your PF. Under the PF, insults was a currency with thugs being rewarded to insult on social platforms.

  5. Who cares even if you are sorry or not? Feel sorry for yourself, for there is nothing to feel sorry for UPND for. HH is the President for Zambia and not for UPND. You PF could not even give us any such reports during your tenure. Are you not just ashamed of yourselves? ECL never did even a single press conference in seven years and you never felt sorry, please keep your sorrow to yourself.

  6. Hon Kafwaya with your defunct TuPF you are as dead as a dodo and I don’t know how you even found yourself in Parliament
    No wonder this country was going into the grave because of people like you
    You don’t have the caliber to understand the President’s speech so to save face you come up with silly excuses
    Please don’t insult our wisdom


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