2026 Presidential candidate Edgar Lungu writes;

This morning, l want to share with you and respond to Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa’s quite long enough article dubbed: “How President Hakainde Hichilema is using lawfare to subvert democracy in Zambia” where he among other things suggests that “Zambia experienced democratic backslide between 2011 and 2021 under the PF with the deliberate use of legal mechanisms to weaken opposition parties”.

In his article, Sishuwa concludes that “Hichilema has orchestrated an assault on human rights and democracy to the extent that he must be treated like an “Edgar Lungu with a better PR”.

Honestly, I find this observation and conclusion both unfair and quite inaccurate as he (the author) seeks to compare our moderate rule then to HH’s “unapologetic lawfare” regime of today.

Reading this article as published in South Africa’s Mail & Guardian newspapers, I am shocked that he likens me to the current president-HH and I take great exception to this. Going forward I will advise bo Sishuwa to try by all means necessary to resist the temptation of having to compare apples with oranges as the two cannot be the same. Yes, I admit I had faults, but certainly not of this magnitude.

While I don’t dispute the existence of “Lawfare” in many jurisdictions, I don’t think it is suitable and correct comparison to mirror my political leadership as Republican President then to the current full scale authoritarian regime we have now in the so called UPND alliance.


  1. As much as I hate to admit it, yes ECL was a better president than Hakainde is.

    This is based purely on the cost of living, tribalism and safe guarding of our mines. Then there is also our cultural and traditional aspect, which ECL upheld. Now we have a Ben Lombe everywhere you look. And of course there is the infrastructure that ECL left, and vast amounts of maize reserves, which Hakainde has now sold off. Petrol prices were much much less.

    The main problem ECL had was his cadres, and theft by his party. However, Hakainde also has a problem with his cadres, and the FIC is reporting unprecedented theft and dodgy dealings.

    So yes, ECL was much much better than the tribalist conman.

    I would prefer neither of these spent dodgy men on the ballot in 2026 though.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • ECL can’t be compared to HH. HH is far much better than ECL absolutely BY FAAÀA

      For me, my take is that,
      1. If you look at the high cost of leaving, that is a birth from the combination of high electricity tariffs and cost of fuel which as a result has made almost all things to go up including transport but almost all areas of economic performance is responding to the fundamentals economic measures well.
      2. Let’s look at the debt: (a) the external debt generally was above US. $18 billion but if we include even the local debt the amount was close to US $32 billion. (B) Out of these, there were also three kaloba (Eurobond) The first one was US$750 million which was maturing in 2022. The second one was US$1.2 billion which was maturing in 2024 and the third one was almost in the same amounts which was or due in 2024. All these big amounts were supposed to be cleared during the due dates in full including the interests and principles. Now in 2020 the PF government under Lungu defaulted and this reduced our international credibility to levels that is in the same line with unfaithful or crookedness people or countries hence being being risk category or junkies brackets. Now the question is,why did they ( PF and ECL ) default? was it deliberate or the Country had no money to pay while ECL and his top brass had millions of kwachas and dollars because we were supposed to pay US$42 million as interest while the Milingo Lungu by then as KCM receivership had even the US$24 million in one account which when added together
      we could only had a shortfall of about US_18 million. Think about that Think about this.
      3. Let’s talk about the maize in reserves. I hear that some of the maize government was buying through FRA was on credit and most farmers were trecking to FRA offices to be payed their money for the maize supplied to government through FRA but FRA also had no money to pay them. But the new dawn government sold some of the stocks in order to raise money to pay the owners of maize. I witnessed many farmers also being paid the dues and government have now almost if not all, a clean balance sheet in terms of owing farmers. In short the maize stocks in reserves was not per say for government, it was for the owners who in this case happens to be farmers; for me this is intirely a non starter issue that a normal noble people can always talk about. For this year FRA still had some stocks for national food security in reserves just as some famers had or have their own reserves after selling some, they also leave some bags just for their home consumption which they use up to the next farming season and they are not starving so does the government which has been using some stocks or reserves to sell to most hunger Stricker families, offload some to ZNS and some selected Millers for cheap meal mill.
      4. The infrastructure development especially roads, and hospitals. Yes they embarked on this program, if you go to Lusaka Province, parts of Copperbelt Province, Eastern Province, parts of western, Muchinga and Northern Province but when you go to North Western Province where there are three giant or big mines it’s a sad story. Even just a hospital to Carter for the growing population, nothing. I remember one time when Lungu was asked by the North Western Council of Elders about the poor roads in the province including town roads in Solwezi his short response or answer, was, “that the cake is small and it has to be shared with other provinces,” He said; No Wonder he was pewed with tomatoes one time at Kyawama markert in Solwezi because because of the anger in people, that he was just stealing, in short from the people of that area. So this infrastructure program was very much politically motivated and selective.
      5. What about retirees , again you want to you say Mr. ECL Again you will say you were better in this area compared to HH
      6. What about the rule of law, alot of people who died during your rule with your Kapyongo as Minister of ( POLICE) Home Affairs. Many people were killed and their blood still cries in the soil. Talk of Nsama Nsama, Lawrence Banda, Joseph Kaunda, Mapenzi to mention but a few. The blood of these innocent souls remain crying in the graves. Talk of the gassing saga. Very sorry indeed. Though you say you were better I really know how the families of the departed loved ones will think about you when they see you saying certain annoying things. It’s only by the grace of God that some of these families are being restrained. Otherwise it’s painful to see murders boast in this manner it pains just like some of the people including members of UPND who suffered the waste during your PF rule. It is terrific and terrible
      7. Tribalism: You are still saying that You were better, you even had your messenger; tribalist ambassador in the name of Chishimba Kambwili and now this is or has been spread in your Munir Zulu, Your DUNAMIS Church Bishop Dan Pule who even don’t want to be tried in the courts of law by a Tonga judge. Let alone or He just want Eether Tumbuka, Chewa, Nsenga or Bemba judges that is in simple the meaning unless otherwise. Very sorry for a person who was at one time a servant of God but because of greedy and thirsty of power and love of and for money, he has been blinded by the ksnake – devil .
      8. Employment creation and recruitment. Bally has created more public jobs compared to ECs entire seven years as head of the Republic of Zambia president. So even here You still want or can still compare yourself with HH. Very sorry indeed
      9. Free education: this is something that a normal person can thank President HH for a job well done and fulfillment of one of the big campaign promise. Because education as President HH rightly always put it, is an equaliser. It brings the rich and the poor together.
      10. What about the debt restructuring. The problem That you – they PF with ECL created and failed to resolve it because of their being fraudulent and crookedness, the owners of the money counted them off, they, you Lungu hired Lazard s French consulting firm to assist you where you even paid them US$5 Million because own your own, your couldn’t but HH has çmanaged to reach an agreement with the creditors. Again you want to compare yourself – you ECL without vision with HH who have a vision for this country? Very sorry indeed.
      11. CDF- HH has increased to now ZMK 28+ million and being given to all the 157 constituencies without segregation while in your government as ECL it was just ZMK1.6 million and this was just for what you used to call strong-holds a rubbish term not to be used in a normal Country. And you want to compare yourself with HH. Very sorry indeed.
      12. OMCs. You left a mountain debt of more than US dollars 750 million. When you were just getting fuel without paying for it but now President HH is settling this debt and You want to compare yourself with HH a wise President. Aikona man! Yiu must be feeling shy for yourself man.

      So please give chance to our wise President His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia President Hakainde Hichilema. A President with a vision to rule and correct the mess that you created and left. Otherwise he is fixing it if anyone comes I the way especially those who had put us in the mess they will also need to be fixed. Epela, kwamana

      Additionally, all your movements and propaganda Kale bamishiba, nwakulaipukamofye

      The cost of living that You want to capitalise on, is on his fingertips including the inflation. You will see how this country will change under the great leadership of HH.nokwishiba namwishiba. He is a great and focused leader. And for sure, indeed we have by the grace of God a great leader in HH.

      • Yet you are forgetting to mention that Kambwili was actually paid by the UPND to insult Tonga people. They have actually confessed that they did that.

        • Is that a proven fact or the usual rumour mill that you have make factual like the Jay Jay Abduction? Nkani yamu moba ba kachepa….even when truth hits you the fact, its innuendo day in day out

      • Why don’t you write your own articles and submit them to the ZO Editor instead of boring readers with long and winding posts?

  2. Mr Lungu,you must even appreciate bo Sishuwa Sir,for he is too economical to explain your wrongs.HH must complain the loudest if he has time for that.Bo Lungu “madala mu natu chita kuipa” you treated us badly with your cadres.It is just a lot to complain about.Shooting of innocent people happened in your tenure of office e.g Chibulo,Banda,council Nsama Nsama e.t.c.They died at a tender age.If you were a good leader they were going to be alive.You allowed wrong chaps to mislead you.You used to be a very good person yes before your Presidency.We used to have nice time with you long ago full of laughter and jokes in Aumont Blank near rendezvous.But your people were not kind maybe you didn’t know what they were doing.But some people were arrested on flimsy charges and you are aware and you knew.You had commanders or gyme boys who beat up innocent citizens.The police and judiciary lost respect cadres could assemble on court grounds with crates of bear and you were just looking and smiling.The opposition couldn’t hold ralies, they were not even free to worship.Not even to go to shops.Elections were not free and fair.Tribalism and nepotism was normal.Much to say.

  3. Truth be told … It could have been much worse if Adada had continued beyond 2021!
    The fights Adada had started with the Americans from the time they expelled their Ambassador Foot, we would not have achieved any meaningful debt restructuring!
    We would have easily gone the Zim route economically!
    Our Kwacha would be trading at not less than a K1,000 to a USD and counting!
    We would be having fuel shortages countrywide because of lack of credit worthiness.
    The Debts we defaulted on would have started causing a serious run on our national assets!
    Imagine adding floods and drought to the mix. We would have been much much worse!
    It’s ironic how someone who created serious economic problems for the country can be the first one to blame the very person trying hard to correct the rot!
    ECL’S comeback is not because he cares about Zambians!
    He is trying to use power to protect himself from going to jail!
    It’s about self-preservation!
    Now that his successor has cleaned the books at much pain to Zambians, he wants to come and shine because Zambians were not patient enough to allow Mr Fixer to implement the rest of the post debt restructuring programs?
    Anyway, it is true when they say Uluse is bad!
    The New Dawn should have hit the Iron while it was still hot! It’s too late now when someone has gathered enough hungry sympathizers!
    Just focus on cutting down loadshedding to Zero and bring down the cost of living. There is still enough time to demonstrate to the citizens why their suffering was important!
    God forbid that we should Dununa Reverse! That will be taking the country back to primitive politics of violence and looting of public resources!
    If HH will be deemed to have failed by 2026, bringing back ECL will be a big mistake!
    Better to vote for someone else and retire the two Warlords with Militias ready to shed blood!
    Tisabwelele kumavuto!

  4. It doesn’t matter what Mr. Lungu thinks of himself, the reality is that he was the worst thing that ever happened to mother Zambia.
    That is the reason he lost elections in such an unprecedented manner.

  5. @Mankambiz, point of correction on pf’s milingo lungu and KCM. The KCM was a liquidation and NOT a receivership. Illegally with impunity and no regard to the laws of Zambia, this milingo, a lawyer like ECL himself, decided to be trading whilst the company was in liquidation and with straight faces they even want to justify this looting of public resources. The whole time ECLs claiming was better than HH7, just to add what you said, how on earth???

  6. This ECL refers to Dr shuwa shuwa that claims ‘lawfare’ or whatever and that he used on the two terms issue and the court ruled already. This shuwa2 and the others deliberately sued on the two terms issue and not on being sworn in twice so that now there claiming this matter has already been adjudicated. Now they’ve been exposed that they’re the ones that used this lawfare, what a shame!!!

  7. Kikikikikiki! HH is incompetent but Noone can be worse than Lungu. Lungu never held a press conference and he thinks that is normal? Any president or politician wants to speak to the nation. That is the trade-learn from Sata, Kaunda, John F Kennedy and many good politicians in democracies. That’s one reason why Lungu lost. People want to see you engage so unless you are a dictatorship successful politicians will always embrace the public. And the media is the link.

  8. Ba Chagwa babufi bamudala aba!!!!!
    Anyway you can’t compare ECL &HH,the two are just too different.onevis way better than the other.

  9. Self praise can embarrass you. Anyway, lyashi lyamu Jamason! Pate after pate! Bane, lekeni umunenu abombeko, seven years mwaliifilwa, umunenu two years napamoneka.
    Zambians should never ever make that mistake again!

    • Zambians are known to vote for Frogs and Hyenas! They are easily cheated by the same bandits that robbed them now so long ago!
      Komboni poverty will remain a risk to Economic Progress because our people don’t want to make the sacrifice for a better future!
      How our people expect to enjoy T-born when they are deep in Kaloba is amazing!
      The only advice I have for UPND is to improve on their communication strategies! You are doing well at the strategy level but your tactical plans are not working to show the people on the ground where things are heading! You want to assume people are able to get what you are doing but they don’t!
      Communicate effectively or people will settle for opportunistic Frogs and Hyenas! Let results begin to show now that the Kaloba issues have been put to rest!
      Going back to PF will be catastrophic for Zambians, especially bamu Komboni who are for ever dependent on Boma!
      Us on farms don’t feel the pinch of a bad Economy. We can only sympathize!

  10. This the kind of low aptitude arguement that one has. Are we in the market sure?
    Ba Lungu who among the Presidents of respectable countries has any respect for you?
    You may have the respect of people that you cheat. But among respectable leaders, who has respect for you? Then ask yourself if you are a better President than the current one.
    Secondly, giving hand out and looting the treasury isnt being a better parent. Look at how yoy have messed up your daughter Chiyeso’s name. Giving her things as a lawyer she can not explain. Who will ever respect her. Is that being a better father? If you cant be a good father how can you even suggest that getting loans that this country can not pay back is being a good President? Zambians have become apathic to hard work the way you have taught your kids to accept property they never worked for. Is that being a good president?
    The Bible states “Train a child in the way to go”, dont teach us to be lazy theives and think that is a sustainable way to lead a nation.


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