Home Politics PF I demand the immediate and unconditional release of Dr. M’membe- Edgar Lungu

I demand the immediate and unconditional release of Dr. M’membe- Edgar Lungu


Good evening fellow Zambians.

Yesterday, we learnt with a heavy heart, the unfair arrest of Socialist Party President Dr. Fred M´membe who was subsequently charged with sedition by state police. Given the fact that the offence is bondable under Zambian laws, we anticipated a swift release of the opposition leader after the charge but alas, Dr. M´membe has remained in detention away from his wife and children as we speak.

We are concerned that officers overseeing the case are reported to have ´evaporated into thin air’, making it impossible for his lawyers to secure bond for Dr. M´membe this afternoon.

This is a clear gross abuse of due process of the law and must not be condoned in a democratic country like Zambia that respects the rule of law.

The continued detention of a citizen who is entitled to police bond is a gross violation of the fundamental rights as enshrined in our constitution these public servants including the Republican President swear to uphold. Time will come when police officers abusing the law in the notorious name of punitive politics will be made to account and pay in their personal capacity and many will regret in heavy tears. There is time for everything!

On behalf of the Patriotic Front and indeed many Zambians, I demand the immediate and unconditional release of Dr. M’membe in accordance with our national laws. This political oppression, persecution and police brutality which is escalating under the New Dawn Government is ´off-side in football terms´ and must end.

Let´s pray for Dr. M’membe and others such as Hon. Ronald Chitotela-PF MP, Hon Nickson Chilangwa-PF MP, Madam Saboi Imboela- NDC leaders, Hon. JJ Banda Petauke MP, including artiste Jackson Chama aka ´Why Me´ who has been in detention Kalomo for five months now to be given justice. My heart bleeds for these our dear friends and citizens.

Colleagues, it is our national duty to support and offer solidarity to all Zambians under state persecution. I pray President Hakainde Hichilema appreciates and reciprocates this gesture as a personal beneficiary of our political grace, brotherly love and human heart for fellow citizens in past times.

It is hard for our friends in detention and their dear families, I personally can attest to this. Colleagues in detention, we are with you, please stay strong and pray to God because it is always dark before sunrise!

God bless you.

Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Sixth Republican President
PF President
UKA Alliance Member


  1. Anyone else can rightful write such a demand letter but you. Under your watch HH was detained numerous times on frivolous grounds. UPND govt may be wrong in imposing some of these draconian laws but you sir are a hypocrite because you no different from what UPND is doing if not worse. Just shut up & let those with clean hearts criticise.

    • Its not even about HH. I think its imprtant that we recognise and remember that. Its about the law. Does Mmembe have the right to tell lies? If so then every one of us has that right.
      The only way this can be deliiberated (known) is by way of a court case. Hear both sides of the sotory.
      GBM was in court this week. He told us gis side of the story. The state has theirs. Lusambo, Kampyongo, etc. We wait for Kaizer and Jay jay. Jail and non bailable matters are another issue .
      Life is simple dont want jail. Dont do crime. Mmembe thinks he is the only one that knows how to speak. And when he does he thinks he is beyond reproach.

    • I am to puke reading this statement from you Mr ecl! You, you and you can utter this rubbish!!!? How often did you detain/arrest President HH when he was in the opposition, including entering his sacred bedroom!!!? Today, you even have the guts to order the release one stubborn chap called Fred Mmembe whom you also molested one time!¡ Isn’t that shameful??!!

  2. So ecl knows that n staying in detention is hard? Am shocked to the born. I wished he knew all along especially when he was in power. Therefore, his write up tends to be just got air, really hot air.

  3. Lungu is testing the waters, how deep, he has discovered on deep as he thought. Now he has started wadding through, actually he thought there were Crocodiles, nothing at all. If ECL crosses I can assure you UPND will spend 2025 dealing with with Lungu and not what people want.
    Only way is to tackle him now. If you are forfeiting properties from his children and children are saying from their father; then tackle the source of the property also. There the ACC and DEC are pulling their feet. Why? That’s why he says he has never stolen he only shared generously.
    Now he is becoming vocal and bluntly he said on BBC he has come back to active politics to save his family from harassment, probably to get back what DEC and ACC has gotten from him. Not to serve the voters…No!

    • Mr Krabs!! Worry not my brother.

      HH is moving methodically(buying time) even Lungu knows it the reason he is testing the Waters.

    • My considered view is that he’s risking himself by assuming that there are no crocodiles in the deep waters. The crocodiles are quietly watching the fool daring them. He is mistaking a lion for a big dog. He’s being given enough rope to hang himself.

  4. Adada you overstepping your boundary. Your fight is not about the country, its about the property your family stole from Zambians. What law should do now it’s to catch up with you before you cause mayhem.

  5. We demand that you keep quiet. And everyone can make demands. However, that doesnt make you entilted to infringe on the rights of others.
    As citizens we are entitled to due process. And ask that Mmembe gets that. We however ask that the law not be selective. And you Mr. Lungu as a lawyer dont seem to recognise that.

  6. The perpetual law breakers are too used.They have made it a hobby.When they break the law they think they are injuring HH yet it is the law which they helped to formulate in parliament themselves.HH is not the owner of law like anybody else.Laws are created for all and must be accepted and followed by all.Those who want to break it will be visited accordingly.Those who demand for the release of the caged may attract their own caging too depending on the method of demanding.That is lawful custody and if one disturbs it he must know that he is breaking the law and he can be visited.Aiding some one who is in custody to sneak is a very serious offence once you are discovered you will be in custody.

  7. What I find disturbing is this tendance by the police to detain people over the weekend as some form of extra judicial punishment. It must stop. Even Dr. M’membe with his lies should be treated fairly.

    I must also hasten to say that our politicians seem to believe that the law doesnot apply to them. What Dr. M’membe said about Mr. Tshisekedi and the bishops was clearly not true. The DRC President would not be so foolish as to utter the words Dr. M’membe credited him with. Dr. M’membe has no right to publish falsehoods about other people and countries.

    Dr. M’membe doesnot make sense anymore.

  8. I am to puke reading this statement from you Mr ecl! You, you and you can utter this rubbish!!!? How often did you detain/arrest President HH when he was in the opposition, including entering his sacred bedroom!!!? Today, you even have the guts to order the release one stubborn chap called Fred Mmembe whom you also molested one time!¡ Isn’t that shameful??!!


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