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I visited Uncle Musa’s Office to formally pick up the complaint against me- Hon. Heartson Mabeta


MP Heartson Mabeta wrote:

This afternoon I visited Uncle Musa’s Office to formally pick up the complaint against me and also have an Uncle to Nephew conversation over our misunderstanding.

Outside politics, I have so much respect for Uncle Musa’s  achievement and contribution towards the growth of the justice system in Zambia.

At an Appropriate time, the nation will be informed on how we shall resolve our dispute.

Your servant.

Hon Heartson Mabeta


  1. Where is the honourness in such a crude character like mabeta? You denounce someone in public then you crawl back to his office and claim uncle to nephew bullcrap. Zambian it us in masses at fault to vote for questionable fools and force them to be honourables.

  2. I have to hand to you, that was quick use of common sense. He would have taken you to the cleaners if you did’nt use wisdom.

    For this I give you some benefit of doubt. There was no need to to pay dearly for the bad mouthing. Well done.


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