Home Politics PF IBA Director General Guntile Muleya has been found dead in Njolwe area...

IBA Director General Guntile Muleya has been found dead in Njolwe area after being abducted  around 17:00hrs yesterday




Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Broadcasting Authority, Guntila Muleya, has been found dead in Njolwe area.

Njolwe area is 25km from Crossroads Shopping Mall, on Leopards Hill Road.

Details remain murky, but initial reports indicate that Mr. Muleya was abducted after he knocked off from work on Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024.

Mr. Guntila Muleya, a former General Manager at Multichoice Zambia, was recently appointed as IBA Director General with effect from May 6, 2024.

He took over from veterabln journalist and administrator, Ms. Josephine Mapoma who served in that capacity from the inception of the Authority in 2013 until 2023.


    • Was it a random act of violence such that he was just in the ‘wrong’ place at the ‘wrong’ time or his killers had been targeting him for some time? Who would want to kill him? Was he killed because of what he knew or about to do? Looks like they also got away with his motor vehicle and mobile phone. I hope the Police will find the murderers.

  1. It’s a despicable act and condolences go to his family and friends. Had he been a politician and an opposition politician, the political temperature would have gone up by several notches by now.

  2. This is the reZon PF decided to set this pace with the fake abduction of JJ. They have now started going after key people who they think are able to get to the bottom of their cases.
    The government agencies must now open their eyes and monitor PF closely. They are a dangerous lot and this may not be the last abduction and assassination.

  3. My thoughts and prayers to the bereaved family. May they find comfort and strength in their prayers to the good Lord, the comforter and a shield for those feel unjustly done.

    The level of barbarism is reaching an alarming level even he has done wrong to anyone , you cannot abduct and kill him for what? What have you achieved? You live with this heavy burden on your head , he had a wife, children and families to support and feed. You have destroyed the innocent children who would have loved to grow up with their father. No matter who you hate some one kill is a sin , thy shall not kill.’ You Will never have peace if you were paid , you will never enjoy the money , if you were looking for promotion, God will prevent you as God did to Canon in the bible

  4. Very sad indeed for this sorrowful and sad news. Condolences to the family of the departed brother and indeed the IBA family as a whole.

    Like Gunner in Zambia has said, if it was in the opposition political camp or let me put it in this way, without any alignment but I have to speak this as the situation in the Country is obtaining, outrightly, looking and while continuously observing the kind of politics that certain individuals play and would have been saying if the Sir name of the late brother; Mr.Guntile Muleya, ( MHSRIP ) was – { just an example to make my point clear,} either Mwamba or Chanda or Zulu, this Country would have been a-washed with alot of very sad and disturbing messages especially on social media by without shame people like Munir Zulu, Emmanuel Mwamba, Mutototo Kafwaya, Binwell Mpundu, Freddie Mmembe and Chitotela to mention but just a few. They could even without giving respect of the house of rules -the National Assembly. There could have been uncontrollable behaviour today but because of the Sir name of the departed Muleya, to them I think they have in their hearts a very known picture and indeed a well part of their position.

    I repeat; that since or because it is Muleya these people are quiet and of course with their own evil thoughts in their stone blood hearts. This to some extent shows how the devil led snake people behave but Praise be to God the perfect judge and owner of all lives that we see and is.” There’s time for everything under the sun” Ecclesiastes 3 verses 1 – 13 but verse 14/15 It clearly states, “whatever is has been before and what will be has already been and God will bring the past to account.” So it shall be.

    Our prayers go to the family of our departed brother, the IBA Board and indeed the government at large. Once more again MHSRIP.

  5. Let us learn to love and not to hate one another. Hate only breeds further hate and not love. Mr. Muleya does not deserve to die the way he has died. It is so cruel and heartless to rob someone of his life the way he has been robbed of it. His family and friends do not deserve this.

  6. It is sad in Zambia today to experience the death of an innocent person in gruesome manner. The happenings of such killings we are used seeing them in countries like Nigeria. However, it has started happening right here in Zambia. Zambia should strengthen its internal security we have a lot of foreigners and rebels from countries like Rwanda, DRC, Somalia, and Sudan roaming our towns and streets freely. These foreigners have taken our kindness and weaknesses for guaranteed it is time we get rid of all illegal immigrants. These foreigners have not experienced tranquility in their
    countries and they would like see disorder in Zambia for them to strike and this is just the beginning. Therefore, let the police and immigration open their eyes and concerned Zambian to report these foreigners to law enforcement agencies. We as Zambians despite our internal political misunderstandings we cannot go to the extent of killing each other, we value life and we have co-existed.

    Similarly, Zambians especially the young people and the youth do not allow old selfish politicians to persuade to raise against the government because of falsehood and evil tribal agenda they are falsely advancing.

  7. Lawlessness breeds such kind of things.That is why law and order is very important.It is uncceptable to be witnessing such barbaric behaviour of kidnapping and killing in our country.I just hope God can help us to know the perpetrators of this criminal behaviour.There are some people who are sadists and evil who want to take lives of others.There is no person who has a right to kill innocent person like that his blood will haunt them forever.


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