…….as he supports calls for President Hakainde Hichilema to Postpone SONA.

Lusaka……Thursday, March 14, 2024 [Smart Eagles].

Patriotic Front Members of Parliament who are not praise singers have devised strategies that will help them reclaim freedoms to speak freely in Parliament.

Currently, PF Members who are Perceived to be Critics of Government poor leadership have been allegedly ignored when they want to speak on the floor of the house.

An Example of such happened during today’s sitting when Lunte Member of Parliament Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya wanted to debate after the Vice President had moved a motion to suspend standing orders to allow the Republican President to address the nation tomorrow.

In response to this, Hon Mundubile said the MPs will use force to get that freedom to speak freely in Parliament.

He said said in most cases, if the Presiding officer is uncomfortable with what a member would say, they will not be given a chance to speak.

“We will get back to that house and ensure that we violently claim the freedoms that we should have on the floor of the house. We will get back to the house, we will not say when but we will reclaim those freedoms.

It is not just about talking, our talking in Parliament or the lack of it is what has caused problems in zambia today. Our people sent us to parliament to represent them and we must do as such and speak for them, not what is currently prevailing..,” he said.

Meanhwile, Hon Mundubile has joined calls by stakeholders for President Hakainde Hichilema to Postpone Tomorrow’s SONA for another two weeks.

He said there is something wrong in the country as far as implementation of national values is concerned.

He said the country is in reverse gear based on what the clergy and the Civil Society Organisations have been saying.

In an event that SONA Goes ahead, Hon Mundubile said President Hichilema should abandon the text written by technocrats and ask for a new start that is devoid of lies, and call for a new begining focused on unity and not purging and arresting innocent people.

“A confession would do, if the President said tomorrow dear Zambians it has come to my realisation that whereby I thought I was the know it all, I have come to realise that I am human who is not immune to error. I have made mistakes to export maize and power,” he said.

He said the President must also respond to statement by OCIDA on calls for sanctions.

“Those that took time to read the letter authored by OCIDA should be concerned because it cited the Heads of Three arms of Government……When you read the letter in totality, you will realise that we have a challenge in Zambia……We would have loved some assurance from the Vice President regarding this matter,” he said.


  1. For Mr. Lungu’s PF, brawn is more important than Brains. Violence Is a hallmark of Mr. Lungu and his gang.

    So nothing new here. Mr. Mundubile and friends are just being themselves by threatening violence. They are incorrigible, beyond reform, beyond remorse.

    They must learn to use their brains instead of fists (brawn) . Classical case of mental laziness.

  2. Little advise to our opposition.
    As a patriotic Zambian that wants the best for Zambia am deeply concerned with the trajectory being taken by our opposition parties in the current dispensation. My worry is that our current opposition is about to be recorded as the worst and most useless opposition the country has ever had since independence due to their one direction focus when it comes to their checks and balances of the upnd government. Their focus is entirely on their imagined reduction in the democratic space and illusioned dictatorship of the current leadership. They have totally neglected to talk about the real issues that affect the ordinary voter on the street. My first question is how many of our citizens that are still struggling to meet their daily food, shelter, medical, education and employment needs care about the so called freedom of expression which the opposition alleged is being taken away by the current leadership ? Let’s turn to those of us in middle class that care about freedom of expression, human rights etc how many of us actually believe that the space for freedom of expression or human rights is shrinking as alleged by our opposition especially when we compare the current political environment to the previous environment where opposers of the government were forcefully hounded out of radio by political cadres, opposition parties cadres were maimed by rulling caders for merely comparing for their party, police were shooting to death citizens utilizing their democratic right to assembly, citizens killed through gassing and markets burnt in the name of politics and marketeers and bus drivers deprived of their daily earning by political cadres unlawfully leaving them bin the name of the chipani. Comparing that to the current environment where opposition have the freedom to insult, ridicule and mock the president, the speaker of the national assembly and other government and upnd leaders freely with no intimidation from political cadres, marketeers and bus drivers no longer need to pay party caders illegal levies, no citizens are being killed by police brutality, political violence or gassing, no markets are being burnt in the name of politics, politicians and cadres no longer parade looted wealth on social media to mock hard working professionals and businessmen. With the foregoing in mind how can we really believe that the democratic space is shrinking in the country?
    With this in mind our it is clear that when our opposition are focusing on alleged shrinking of democratic space and dictatorship they are only talking for themselves only not the citizens because to us that is not what is important right now. The opposition must know that the story of dictatorship and shrinking democratic space is an old story that is sold by the opposition all the time in the world be it in America, Britain, south Africa etc. no one buys it easily without physical evidence. during the pf it was easy for people to buy it because physical evidence was allover. E.g political violence by cadres, police shooting of innocent citizens, gassing of citizenships, intimidation of political opponents by pf cadres, etc was allover in the news. Videos of such incidences are still available online. No one could doubt the claim of corruption, violence, dictatorship etc because physical evidence was there. But presently those claiming these things have no physical evidence and even us the citizens that are suppose to believe these claims we are not experiencing them. Infact if anything we are seeing a great improvement compared to the past resume. How then does our opposition hope to win our support by solely focusing on shrinking of democratic space, dictatorship and insulting and ridicule of the president and up d leaders. As citizens we want a strong opposition so that the upnd can deliver the best to the citizens, we want the opposition to focus on the needs of the people that affect their daily lives which the upnd are fairly to address. I have just realized that the mmd, pf and upnd were the best opposition parties
    the country has ever had. I.e the mmd faught for democratization of the country which they achieved, the pf under sata held the mmd accountable insuring that whatever the government did was somewhat inline with the interest of the citizens e.g constitutional reforms and the upnd advocated for delivery of development in their strong holds e.g kafue mazabuka road. Upnd mps talked about this road all the time in parliament until the pf had to fix it even when it was in an opposition strong hold leaving roads like nchelenge chiengi road, chinsali nakonde road etc that were in their strong hold unattended to. What is our current opposition advocating for that affects the citizens directly. I recently used the nchelenge chiengi road. Truth be told it’s non existent. There is simply no road. Then one must wonder are those living in chelenge and chiengi not Zambians, is it not our politicians both rulling and opposition that should speak for them? Why are we not hearing our opposition talk about the challenges the people of chiengi are facing? Do these people care about freedom of expression more than the luck of road network that is hampering their economic and social development? Chitalu chilufya, Ronald chitotela and nickson chilangwa you have not only been mps for the people of luapula province but have held very influential position both in government and pf party what have you done about nchelenge chiengi road. You are now opposition mps why are you not talking about this road? Is it not you to speak for the people of chiengi and nchelenge? But your focus is only democracy, freedom of expression and dictatorship, how do you hope your focus of these three things will address the luck of road network between chiengi and nchelenge? This is merely an example of the numerous issues affecting our citizens that our opposition has neglected to talk about in preference to one focus on freedom, democracy and dictatorship. What our opposition needs to know is that few people are actually reading or listening to their messages because they don’t address their immediate needs. While the opposition are selling this stale message the upnd are using cdf to address the things that affects citizen daily lives. It’s about time our opposition realizes that their current message is falling on deaf ears. It’s about time they begin to offer real checks and balances regarding delivery of development that address the needs of the people. It our desire as citizens that we continue to have a thriving opposition in the country at all times but unfortunately that’s not the case currently. Please heed while there is still time otherwise we may end up having upnd for the next 20 years.


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