Ignore the report about the Court proceedings from the Akafumba circus team- Saboi Imboela




*Statement for Immediate Release*

*Ignore the report about the Court proceedings from the Akafumba circus team- it is a minor procedural issue*


We are not in the habit of responding to the Akafumba circus team, but once in a while it becomes necessary when when they choose to misinterpret the law for their own benefit.

To begin with, the injunction was never about the party or candidates but against our former president Dr. Chishimba Kambwili. So whatever is happening now has got nothing to do with our candidates or NDC as a party, but Dr. Chishimba Kambwili. So the fact that he is no longer part of the NDC makes a lot things purely academic.

Secondly, the NDC had a Convention and chose its leaders. A Convention which we made sure that Dr. Kambwili or I, as acting Vice President then, did not chair or attend at the beginning. Using the NDC Constitution, the Convention chose a Chair, who was our Elections Chairperson Mr. Menyani Zulu and he is the one that chaired the meeting and elected leaders through his Chairmanship.

The president elect, Dr. Kambwili only came to the conference as an elected president of the party. So even the interim issues that the Akafumba circus team had raised against Dr. Kambwili were all overtaken by events because we now had elected leaders and not interim ones as required when a party is newly registered.

It is the same Convention that even made us eligible to participate in these 2021 elections as required by our Republican Constitution. Remember that Akafumba had told all our candidates that no one will file under NDC and they wrote a letter to ECZ to that effect but as we had told you, the man has no such powers and we have our MPs, mayors and councillors all over the country. Everything Akafumba has said so far has turned out to be a lie, as we had told you that it would. And I have repeatedly told you that the man needs a refresher course in law- and he really does.

What has happened in court now is a minor procedural issue which our lawyers are handling. Besides, whatever happens has nothing to do with NDC as a party but Dr. Kambwili, so all candidates campaign freely and do not be disturbed by these prophets of doom that have tried to destabilise you from the onset and have never succeeded. Mr. Akafumba and team offered you K50,000s to withdraw as NDC candidates and endorse HH. So if they had everything under control why would they have offered you money to withdraw as candidates? So please continue to ignore them.

The Akafumba circus and their people have joined the UPND and everyone who supported them stood on the UPND ticket. Our former NDC members have stood on UPND in Roan, Chingola and Mufulira, so they should be happy with their decision to join another party. But their insistence to destabilise the NDC and continued campaigns to use the NDC name in their campaigns is so regrettable and shocking.

The UPND undermined us in the Alliance and that was the reason we left. So their support of the Akafumba team and using this group of disgruntled individuals to appear as if NDC is in an alliance with the UPND shows just how desperate and evil they are. They are behaving like their 2021 win is dependent on the destruction of the NDC and at the same appearing in a fake alliance with NDC.

People that are not privy to the underhand dealings of this UPND- Akafumba group have judged that we have some very bitter issues with the UPND, but at the heart of this whole fight by the Akafumba team is the UPND and its cronies. They cry the loudest to the public that they are being victimised by the ruling party but the way they have been victimising other parties using their disgruntled partners like this circus team shows why they would be a bigger evil if they were to be given instruments of power.

People have a choice to belong to whichever party they want. The Akafumba circus team chose the UPND, Dr. Kambwili chose PF and all of us that remained in NDC, chose NDC. So I would like to formally appeal to president Hakainde Hichilema to talk to his partner Josephs Rikki Akafumba to stay away from the NDC. Truth be told, many people in NDC were for the opposition alliance and they would have voted for UPND and HH, but the way that the UPND, Akafumba and all the UPND aligned media houses have handled this issue have made our members fear the UPND and HH more than they feared the PF.

Politics is about difference in opinions and ideologies and I hope that moving forward, we shall see some level of tolerance, acceptance and maturity in the manner that political differences are resolved and not what is currently obtaining.

*Issued by Saboi Imboela*
*President- NDC*



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