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Integrity Under Fire: MP Machila Jamba Challenges President Hichilema Over FIC Report Controversy


Integrity Under Fire: MP Machila Jamba Challenges President Hichilema Over FIC Report Controversy

….as Mp’s shout aUKA uyo….

Lusaka, 19th July, 2024

United Party for National Development (UPND) Mwembeshi Member of Parliament, Machila Jamba, has openly questioned the integrity of President Hakainde Hichilema and his administration. The criticism follows the release of the latest Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) report, which has not seen any high-profile dismissals or accountability measures, unlike previous reports under the Patriotic Front (PF) government.

“I remember when the FIC report under PF was out, the chairperson and others were relinquished of their positions, but when it is actually here, no one has been fired from the FIC!” Jamba remarked, emphasizing a perceived double standard in handling corruption allegations.

“What can you say about the integrity of President Hakainde Hichilema and the entire government?”

Mr. Jamba’s remarks sent the entire house in Parliament into a fervor, with members ululating in response. For the first time, a UPND member had shed the praise singing clothes and called it a spade a spade.

Many PF MPs shouted, “aUKA uyu,” a clear indication of their approval and surprise at Jamba’s bold stance.

President Hichilema, who when in opposition stood on Mount Everest with anti-corruption and good governance opera song, but now that he has been elected has not done anything to address the jaw dropping corruption cases in and by his administration.


  1. This MP missed the point, PF dismissed the FIC senior team for exposing them, rather than for corruption.
    The FIC identifies potential illicit transactions and movements of money, its up to entities such as the ACC, DEC and the police to investigate and decide on prosecution.
    That is my understanding, unless I have got it wrong. Yes, the government appears to be failing in its fight on corruption, but its not the FIC that is failing.

  2. Jamba is a nonsense. PF fired THE DIRECTOR OF FIC for being Honest. UPND are on the right TRACK. You let things flow. Jamba has missed. He is useless.

    • Publish the names of those in the report. You will find that the authors of the report actual did a half baked job and the said report would not stand when tested in court.


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