“It Is The Opposition Who Neglected Zambians,” – Mumbi Phiri

    Mumbi Phiri
    Mumbi Phiri


    Lusaka Province Presidential Campaign Deputy Coordinator MCC Mama Mumbi Phiri and the Provincial team continues mobilizing votes for President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his running mate Prof Nkandu Luo using grassroots campaigns in Rufunsa. District Party officials received her, together with PF adopted MP Hon Patson J Mumba and all aspiring mayoral and councilors.

    Speaking in Rufunsa, the Presidential deputy campaign Coordinator stated that the only change Zambians want was that President Edgar Chagwa Lungu continues with the development agenda and change Zambia for the better. She further dispelled rumors of change as mere speculations and fake
    propaganda by the opposition who have failed to inspire the Zambian people as their MPs in order to distract the people from meaningful development. She added that their continued custom of walking out of parliament has deprived the youths, women, widows and the disabled of equal representation in Parliament after the fall of Bill 10.

    Mama Phiri continued that the opposition MPs have failed to take Development to their constituencies because they walk out if parliament and have failed to work with the government of the day. How do you develop without the assistance of the Government of the day? She asked.

    She added that opposition MPS have failed even to use Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to develop their own areas which I myself used to
    bring Development to my constituency when I was Munali area member of parliament.

    Mrs. Phiri cited herself as a practical example of hard work and a dedicated leader when she served as the first PF MP in Munali constituency. When I was Munali MP, I laid the foundation for Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital, and facilitated the building of UNZA Bridge to serve lives of the students at the highest institution of learning, she said.

    Therefore, it is senseless for the opposition to accuse the PF Government of failing to develop their areas. Dundumwezi received development from
    President Lungu despite the low vote outcome in 2016 general elections, she explained.

    The Presidential campaign deputy coordinator further highlighted that neither President Lungu nor the Patriotic Front government is tribal. We have taken development to all corners of the country because development recognizes no face; as a result, all Zambians deserve to lead better lives. She said.
    “Ala ifwe twalibomba kula sontafye, ifipatala, amenshi, ama road, ba police station, aba limi nabo twalibapela fertiliser, imbewu, fyonse ifi mulefimona mwebana bakwa Lesa”, said mama Phiri.

    Therefore, why should we even be accused of rigging the elections, because Zambians will vote for our works, they will judge us from our works. She said.



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