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It’s not fair to pay Nevers Mumba and ….as you deny Edgar Lungu his pay due to Politics – Pastor Mambwe

Pastor Kennedy K. Mambwe

It’s not fair to pay Nevers and Kavindele
….as you deny Edgar Lungu his pay due to Politics – Pastor Mambwe…
From The Analysis
A Lusaka clergy and media magnate, Pastor Kennedy Mambwe, has questioned the government’s decision to provide former vice presidents Enoch Kavindele and Reverend Nevers Mumba with monthly salaries while denying the sixth President of Zambia, Dr. Edgar Lungu, the same privilege.
Mambwe said if the reason for halting President Lungu’s monthly payments, withdrawing state security, and other privileges is because he returned to active politics, the same reasoning must apply to Reverend Mumba and Mr. Kavindele.

“Pastor Mumba, whom I deeply respect, is the president of the opposition party MMD. I feel compelled to publicly declare this.”
Mambwe argued that if the reason for halting President Lungu’s payments, withdrawing state security, and other privileges is his return to active politics, the same reasoning should apply to Reverend Mumba and Mr. Kavindele.

“Why do you deny President Lungu his pay because he returned to politics, but you pay two ex-vice presidents who are both active politicians?” questioned Mambwe.

The pastor and influential media operator appealed to President Hichilema to revisit the situation and even put in place a law that makes it legal for ex-vice presidents to receive payment because now there appears to be none. Ostensibly, this means Mr. Kavindele and Mr. Mumba could be receiving illegal salaries in exchange for praising President Hichilema, whose administration’s popularity has declined due to the high cost of living.

“It’s a travesty of the natural laws of justice to award Mr. Kavindele and Pastor Mumba, both well-known politicians, while punishing the only surviving former President of Zambia.”

The government has not responded to queries on why the payments of retired officials are going on selectively after President Lungu lost his constitutional retirement package. Conversely, during the same program on KBNTV, Ambassador Anthony Mukwita advised state police to swiftly arrest President Lungu and charge him with a crime. This advice comes after a walk in the CBD that brought traffic to a standstill last week, instead of deliberately targeting people close to him.

“My humble advice is that police should move in quickly and arrest President Lungu for any suspected breach of the law when he walks or runs around town,” said Ambassador Mukwita.

“It’s unfair to threaten him or his handlers every time he tries to exercise his right to freely associate and freely assemble because the precedent being set for future retired Presidents and how they are treated is bad,” said Ambassador Mukwita.

“Arrest the former President if you, police, believe he has committed a crime against the state by walking in the city,” said the former envoy and author.


  1. Ba Pastor concentrate on the bible clearly you are speaking from a position of ignorance.
    Wasnt Edgar Lungu living in a footballers house? Who was paying the rent?
    Wasnt he getting the retirement money? What did he tell us as Zambians about the package we were paying him? Crumbs…is that not derogatory? And insult in simple English?
    Manje iwe Pastor you want to suggest otherwise…ugaiza iwe muntu? Olo unajaila kunama boza muma church yanu!!!!
    Besides…what is the halabaloo when HH is seeking counsel from people who worked closely with all Previous regimes? Guys Scot may have been included but for his health? Please lets stop being petty.

  2. Is opinion factual or attributed to a paper that is owned by someone with a vested interest in the opposition?

  3. These are Pastors for Lungu … Kikikiki
    The brown envelopes have become erratic for them.
    This economy has not spared the miracle workers… kikikiki

  4. It’s not fair to pay nevers that one there is no denial but on the part of lungu the law is clear. He can only be paid after he retires from politics as he is still actively involved but the law provides for a retiree.

  5. It’s just lack of reasoning by this Upnd government, out of mere hatred for Edgar Lungu. And a lot of lies are being peddled by this Upnd government and their supporters, like “kabili na Lungu efyo alechita, kabili naba PF efyo balechita . . “! So Lungu ngefyo alechita you should also repeat , then you making yourselves more unpopular. And some are just scapegoats by Hichilema and his Upnd, even things PF do, ati efyo balechita! I think there’s an element of dullness in that reasoning, people who have gone to school cannot reason like that, as though there’s no tomorrow! Tomorrow it will be Upnd in opposition, and the party in power will say kabili naba Upnd efyo balechita, kabili na Hichilema efyo alechita. Victimization doesn’t work! One Fred Chiluba tried it on Kenneth Kaunda, he ended up a very embarrassed president! Very few people have much regard for Chiluba now partly because of his vengefulness on Kaunda! Chiluba thought he was pleasing Zambians with his animosity on Kaunda, but within 3 years , Chiluba had made Kaunda more popular again! And if Kaunda had been allowed to stand in 1996 he would have soundly beaten ka Chiluba! So even Hichilema should know that, what goes round comes round, and that the people of Zambia are his employers, he’s not the employer of the people of Zambia. When people are not happy with rule, like it already is, they kick him out. This is a democracy, and unfortunately, that’s what Hichilema and his Upnd don’t seem to understand. When the people say “Zwa!”, he will not impose himself on them, like now it’s clear that most people don’t want him because of hunger and too much suffering, he will not force and say I will do better next 5 years! When it’s 5 years it’s 5 years, no extra time. As for Hichilema even rigging won’t work, people are very very annoyed with his tribalism and vengeance, may be he doesn’t know, those close to him should tell him . Just next door in Malawi, former president Muthatika is enjoying his full presidential benefits while campaigning for presidency again. He’s has fleet of government vehicles, state security, salary per month etc, and is free campaigning throughout the country. Efi kalapo abantu nga bantu , noti kwati finama, Bembas say “lelo chili pa munobe, mailo chili pali iwe . . .”! So the worst is coming for Hichilema and his Upnd for mis treating the people of Zambia! He should not cry foul!

    • Mandanda…its important to understand issues and base optinions on facts than emotions. Lungu referred to the pay and other benefits that the state was paying his as “crumbs”. That is hard earned money that other citizens contibute through taxes. And an Insult to Zambians in general. He opted to go back into active politics a choice that he made PERSONALLY inspite that he may have been encouraged by others. If so, it shows the lack of foresight in him as a person and as a leader.
      Lungu has a latainy of cases that point to him. Just today we have former SG depositing large amounts of money into an account. Where did an individual get that kind of money?
      We speak of accountability. Lungu doesnt want to be held accountable. The courts and prosecutors have learnt from past cases that you want to suggest about Chiluba. Arent his cohorts in prison? Its just the Samuel Musonda and Xviour Chungu cases that seem to have gotten lost. But if we had objective journalists and historians (instead of Partisian hacks like Sishuwa and Mmembe who seek their own agenda, we would have clear information. Resource constrained public media try. But they dont generate enough money in the dying trade of journalism).

  6. The pastor deliberately avoided to refer to the constitution on matters related to a former President who decides to return to active politics.


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