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Justice delayed is Justice Denied-Give the 3 suspended Judges a day in Court- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Justice delayed is Justice Denied-Give the 3 suspended Judges a day in Court

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;

It is strange how we easily risk national security to promote and seek to entrench partisan interests.

Let us take for example;

● Edgar Lungu was given one hour by the Constitutional Court to prepare and file his complaint against 3 Judges…one hour!

● Edgar Lungu’s complaint against 3 Judges filed into the Judicial Complaints Commission (JCC) was resolved within hours, and JCC Chairperson Vincent Malambo SC wrote back an answer…efficiency unheard of.

● the JCC made their report to the President regarding the issue of 3 constitutional court judges on Monday 23rd September, 2024 and the President acted and suspended the judges a few hours later.

● but the 3 suspended Judges, and a constitutional lawyer, have applied to court for the court to stay and review the decision of the President, but Judge-in-Charge Charles Zulu will not even bother to allocate the matter, days after it was filed with a certificate of urgency attached thereto.

● but on matters that involve the State or its perceived opponents, this Judiciary sits on Justice, prevaricate, act in a delatory manner and uses what is called the Fabian tactics. The case of the Patriotic Front, is a similar case in point, where despite security and national tensions the matter raised, the Judiciary sat on Justice and participated in executing a dangerous and political plot against the Patriotic Front, an action that went to help decimate the Opposition. The Opposition are part of Zambia’s democratic process. But the Opposition, like other democratic institutions and organs, such the Parliament, Judiciary and the Electoral Commission of Zambia, have suffered dilution, perpetrated by the Executive.
A compliant Judge was picked who proceeded to ignore to rule and determine a matter until they calculated, the tensions had petered-out.

●The Fabian strategy is a military strategy where pitched battles and frontal assaults are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition and indirection. While avoiding decisive battles, the side employing this strategy harasses its enemy through skirmishes to cause attrition, disrupt supply and affect morale.

That’s your Judiciary! Refusing to put-out the raging conflicts and infernos but actively participating in delivering Injustice!


  1. Mwamba,you think you are very intelligent with your utterances but I tell you that you fuel anarchy in the country.And your spokes manship you have assumed for the suspended Judges may just indicate some kind of political relationship you have had with them with your PF this is how beautiful nations are destroyed by irresponsible people for the love of money.The Judges have a lot of institutions or NGO that can speak for them, we have LAZ for instance,now you and your PF are at the battle front why.I am smelling it a rat.There must be some connections.You must avoid over befriending professionals particularly those in judiciary for you may sway them to tilt their attention to your political interest.You see where we are now, that’s why vises like corruption must not be tolerated in a country it breeds anarchy.

  2. The tone in this article is that of threats and threatening violence.
    It appears PF with Ill advice from people like you is bent on getting power from this government by all means.
    You appear be speaking the same language
    Of using all means but Zambians will not allow a violent party to come close to the instruments of power.
    All machinations that you are scheming to make UPND appear like they are same like you are transparently clear and Zambians are not sleeping, and best of all, God is not sleeping. When you were advised to behave normal and not set snares and cobwebs where you will be the victim in future, you were arrogant. Arrogant to the point of beating up citizens who spoke up against any ills in governance.
    It is very clear that the people you are trying to protect are or were on your pay roll and that is obviously deplorable.
    The constitutional court judges were threatened several times and that was tough because they were under siege.
    Let there be justice. If it was okay to fire judges during MCSs reign, it is alright even now so long as there was a genuine reason to do so.

  3. So long their conduct has basis in law, the judges are safe, very safe. The constitution of the Republic of Zambia has adequate but not absolute protection for judges. No one has absolute protection under the constitution, not even the President of the Republic of Zambia. The judges know the law and require no protection from laypersons. They certainly know how to fight this battle.

  4. Why the obsessive interest in these judges? Such obsession clearly show there is something fishy Mr. Mwamba does not want the public to know about but his outbursts is raising questions in the minds of Zambians. The question is, are they the only judges who have been suspended in the entire existance of the country Zambia? If not, why didnt he raise the same dust when other judges were suspended in the past?


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