Home Politics PF Kafwaya says 600 senior civil servants parked at Cabinet in holding positions

Kafwaya says 600 senior civil servants parked at Cabinet in holding positions


Kafwaya says 600 senior civil servants parked at Cabinet in holding positions

ABOUT 600 senior civil servants have been removed from their positions and have been offloaded to Cabinet Office where they have been consigned to holding positions and are earning their salaries without working, Mutotwe Kafwaya has disclosed.

Mr Kafwaya, the Lunte Patriotic Front (PF) Member of Parliament says the UPND government should now fire all the civil servants who are in holding positions at Cabinets office if they do not have anywhere to take them.

Mr Kafwaya said there were close to 600 people on holding positions in Cabinet Office and that most of them had been there for more than three years, from the time the UPND formed government in 2021.


  1. Its sad when Politicans come here to make statements without getting the full picture. Stop taking a slanted view because you have a few individuals that you have an interest in or were leaking information to you to further your politican narrative.
    Most of those persons are there for a number of reasons. Mostly disciplinary or just disruptive behaviour. The bearucractic nature of the civil service and the law may suggest certain behaviours you can not fire them or suspend them. But cause so much of a problem to the workplace.
    So before you make statement Mr. Kafwaya get the facts? Slanted narrative become your agenda not the Agenda of Zambia. You took an oath to serve Zambians not self serve the PF narrative

  2. @hamulenga.
    Disciplinary cases for 3 years? ….and why is it that the majority of these people are from one region?
    Seems like ethnic cleansing to me.

    • What facts do you have to support that those 600 hundred are from one province? Quit that pipe and maybe you will stop hallucinating and deal with reality. Name calling wont make the slanted argument right. Are you one of those and I have struck a nerve? You are at cabinet office cause of not working for Zambians but using a state position for self gain.

  3. The shoe is painful now because it is on the other foot. Remember how PF cleansed the civil service of people from the so called Zambezi provinces. It was nice and rosy then. What goes around comes around. KK used to advise us to do unto others what you would like them to unto you. Did the PF tribalists heed that advice? They never did. Have the UPND tribalists bothered to adhere to KK’s wise counsel? I doubt. Since tribalism, like corruption, is now in the DNA of Zambian politicians the next political party in power will also carry out an ethnic purge of the civil service. And the beat goes on and on until Kingdom come.

  4. Under PF, we had hundreds if not thousands of ghost workers and ghost institutions like clinics and schools. So the 600 you are talking about is nothing. Moreover all the Civil Servants who were retired by PF in national interest were still getting their full salaries without working. Those who found other jobs were getting double salaries, so what’s Kafwaya talking about now?

  5. Kafwaya I thought you are an honourable man,kansi you’re very backward. Tell the nation what was obtaining your reign


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