Kalaba’s Hypocrisy Shocks Chilangwa

Nickson Chilangwa


“There are thousands of families affected by floods in Luapula and he has never said or donated anything”

Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa says he is shocked that Harry Kalaba has a habit of making a mountain out of small issues yet thousands of families in Luapula Province are homeless due to floods.

Chilangwa who is Luapula Province PF Chairperson has wondered why Kalaba was so fast to sympathise with the closure of Prime TV yet thousands of families in Luapula Province where he comes from are going through untold suffering due to floods that have ravaged the entire Province.

Speaking on Saturday when he received donations from various well wishers towards flood victims, Chilangwa said it was shocking that Kalaba rushed to issue a long statement of lamentations on the closure of Prime TV when there was a much more serious problem from Luapula Province.

He wondered why Kalaba and other opposition politicians would ask for a vote from the people in Luapula Province when they have never even helped them in their time of need.

“He (Kalaba) was quick to issue a statement condemning the closure of Prime TV; not even a single day have we heard him sympathise with the people here yet he says he is a son of Luapula Province. How is he and others going to get back to the people here for a vote in 2021? Our people are seeing who is with them in their time of need,” Chilangwa said.

Chilangwa who quoted Bible passages from Esther 4:14 which reads:

” For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”



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