KBF Is A Pathological Lier. Only Vultures, Scavengers And Chancers Left President HH -James Lukuku



    By James Kasanda Musendeka Lukuku, RPP President

    Hon Sakwiba Sikota
    If Hon Sakwiba Sikota replaced late Upnd President Anderson Mazoka, there could have been no Upnd because he lacked financial muscle to carry over from where late President Anderson Mazoka left. Neither did Hon Sakwiba have any international connectivity to attract party fundings, as evidenced by the quick and sudden fall of his ULP. Running a Party successfully like the way President HH have done is not a joke please twapapata. Ask ba Ben Mwila nangu ba chama chakomboka nangu ba Miyanda Godfrey nangu ba wynter kabimba nangu ba Nawakwi.

    Hon Patrick Chisanga

    Ba Patrick Chisanga left politics to concentrate on professional life of corporate business. Nomba mwalefwaya President HH abaleshe? Awe bane akoni kekala pamuti katemenwe. Kuleka baya to do what he wanted.

    Dr Canisius Banda

    Evidently, Dr Canisius Banda no bwibwino upstairs. Otherwise, between Dr Canisius Banda and GBM, of course GBM carries a broader constituency or following. Even if it was the PF, they would pick a person with a following. Its what the Upnd did in coming up with GBM as a running mate. Dr Canisius Banda could not accept that GBM was evidently far much more popular than him. Thus out of his own misjudgement and self exhortation and self over rating, he left Upnd. Nomba mwalefwaya babapapate ba Canisius Banda?


    Hon Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba left because the PF evidently gripped its knee on his business like the George Floyd case. In his struggle to protect his own business, he surrendered to the PF. How does that become a faulty of President HH? Awe bane.

    Miles Sampa, Guys Scott, Mulenga Sata

    These were vultures, scavenger and chancers who wanted to immediately reap where they did not plant just because they lost power to President Lungu. They did not have time to struggle with HH in opposition after testing the comfort of power.

    Mr Charles Chumumbwa

    Mr Sata was also left by Mr Charles Chumumbwa who resigned as Secretary from the PF. Thus its not only President HH that have gone through the process.

    Mr Edward Mumbi
    Mr Edward Mumbi left the PF, left President Sata and also resigned as Secretary General of the PF. So its not only President HH who has been subjected to the process.

    22 PF rebel MPs

    President Sata was deserted by 22 MPs. Very prominent MPs for that matter including the likes of Peter Machungwa, Chimbaka , Chitika and etc. So what is KBF talking about?

    Hon VJ once said politics is the certainty of the uncertainty. Politics is also dynamic.

    Thus this criminal lawyer so called the KBF who have been deregistered more than 17 times by Laz due to lack of professionalism, crookery and bupompwe does not have any more standing to climb up radio studios and discuss negative energy about President HH.

    KBF is just a smart and foolish thief specialised in obtaining money using false pretences and pecuniary advantages against his clients. How can a self confessed vote rigger be listed for leadership?

    James Kasanda Musendeka Lukuku, RPP President



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