Laura Miti: Zambians Must Rise for the Zambia They Want


    Laura Miti wrote…

    Zambians Must Rise for the Zambia They Want

    The colonialists did not come knocking at freedom fighters doors to say – we have had enough of making you 3rd class citizens in your own country mwe. Here is your independence.

    The freedom fighters demanded what was theirs and made colonialism, which was very enjoyable and rewarding for the British, untenable.

    Leaders who have become super rich on public money will not knock on citizens collective doors and say talema kuyina na ndalama zanu.

    We have now stopped corruption and the oppression we use to make sure citizens can’t speak about it. We will put medicines in hospitals, create jobs for desperate youth – we will give Zambians the life they should have given how rich their country is.

    Simply Zambians, we have a choice between fear of the apartheid tanks Minister Kampyongo has bought and the army of violent cadres he has created or we stand, and like our forefathers and mothers, make the peaceful but definite demand for the Zambia we want.

    She is beautiful Zambia, she is rich. Her children’s suffering must end. It will not end for free.



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