Home Politics UPND LAZ President condemns ‘unwarranted personal attacks’ on judicial officers

LAZ President condemns ‘unwarranted personal attacks’ on judicial officers

Lungisani Zulu

Press Statement | Condemning Unwarranted Personal Attacks On Judicial Officers Which Undermine Judicial Autonomy.

Lusaka – 15th September, 2022.

On the occasion of the International Day of Democracy, the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) has noted with grave concern several attacks on the Judiciary, shared on various social media platforms.

LAZ strongly condemns the increased incidents of unwarranted personal attacks on Judges of Superior Courts, merely because the Judges have delivered or are about to deliver Rulings and Judgments not liked by the attackers.

While LAZ supports increased Judicial accountability in tandem with the provisions of Article 118 of the Constitution, which demands that judicial authority derived from the people be exercised in a just manner so as to promote public accountability, this does not entail personal attacks and superfluous accusations being levelled against such judicial officers.

Such unwarranted attacks have the potential of eroding judicial autonomy, thereby threatening the Democratic and Constitutional foundation upon which this country is founded. LAZ firmly believes that there can be no democracy and enjoyment of rights and liberties of the citizens without an autonomous Judiciary.

Further, LAZ wishes to urge members of the public to desist from the temptation of attacking the persona of Judges as a way of venting frustrations for decisions they may not like. This is also unfair as the attacked Judges have no opportunity to defend themselves.

We also strongly urge the Judiciary and the individual Judges to remain resolute in discharging their Constitutional Mandate as final arbiters of disputes, without fear or favour.

This press release has been issued on a matter of public interest touching on the Independence of the Judiciary and Constitutionalism for the greater good of the Nation in the furtherance of the LAZ’s mandate under Section 4 of the Law Association of Zambia Act, Chapter 31 of the Laws of Zambia.

Issued By:

Lungisani Zulu,
LAZ – President.



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