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LCC Threats Against Absconding Unpaid Workers is Unfair, Tantamount to Satanism – Councillor Simataa

Mainda Simataa

LCC Threats Against Absconding Unpaid Workers is Unfair, Tantamount to Satanism – Councillor Simataa

Kamwala Ward Councilor Hon. Mainda Simataa and member of the audit committee Mainda Simataa says the recent management memo warning workers who’re absconding from work due to lack of transport money is not only unfair, but also tantamount to satanism.

“I don’t understand management’s reasoning, how do they expect a hungry and homeless worker kicked out of the house by the landlord to report for work when they don’t even have transport money, isn’t that inhumanity if not satanism?” the councillor asked.

Councillor Simataa says the dictatorial and heavy-handed response by management has already caused resignations in the council, and those who have no option will be forced into prostitution and corruption to survive.

“If management has failed to run the council, let them hand in their resignation letters on Monday instead of drinking free coffee and drawing free fuel when majority workers are unpaid and our reputation is being undermined” said the councillor.

The councillor has also lambasted the council Union whom he refers to as parasitic onions making workers cry, while getting hefty K100,000 loans approved by the same management failing to pay workers!



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