The recently held rally where opposition leader Edgar Lungu was addressing children, was nothing but a competition of insults. We saw political junkies taking turns to insult the republican President as opposed to offering alternative solutions.

We expected former President Edgar Lungu to appreciate President Hakainde Hichilema’s effort in the debt restructuring process. Edgar Lungu and the Patriotic Front (PF) left a huge debt mountain which President Hichilema has been working tirelessly to resolve. Instead of appreciating, Lungu resorted to insulting and blaming the New Dawn Government for the problems he (Lungu) left. What a shame!

The UKA alliance is nothing but a group of bitter souls without any solution to the challenges that our country is facing.

If Former President Edgar Lungu was prudent in managing national resources acquired through debts, companies like ZESCO would not be limping today. Instead of investing in alternative power supply, Lungu used ZESCO as a cash cow for political activities. Resources from ZESCO were used to print party regalia and PF members were employed as ghost workers. Whilst girlfriends and nieces were swimming in million of dollars, ZESCO was dying and getting in more debt.

We expect Lungu to apologize for this and many other crimes he committed whilst he served as President. Edgar has no moral right to talk about the economy of this country.

Edgar Lungu denied our students meal allowances but instead shared the money with his ministers who stayed in office illegally. We expected him to use the rally to apologize to the students and the country at large for this act of broad daylight robbery.

I sympathize with political parties associating themselves with a dirty man like Edgar Lungu. They will all be soiled when the time for reckoning comes. It is a political blunder to get into an alliance with Edgar.

I also sympathize with young people like Binwell who are being used as disciples of confusion when at one time Lungu refused to adopt them on PF. Lungu believes young people like Munir, Binwell and JJ tools of confusion that’s why he never adopted them and continues to use them for dirty works.

President Hakainde Hichilema and statehouse should not waste time responding to criminals who ransacked economy of this country. The President should focus on finding solutions to the many challenges that Lungu and team left behind. We also appeal to the government to expedite the process of recovering stolen assets. Justice delayed is justice denied.

God bless you all

Romeo Kangombe
Sesheke Member of Parliament/ Deputy Chairperson Mobilisation and strategy


  1. What a wonderful day it will be to get rid of this useless people in government. The all wise useless idi*ts. …Yes if it will take a junkie to remove the incompetent,and Total failure, Hakainde from power, I will definitely support this junkie.
    Can we have another ” Junkie” rally in Luapula Province , people are waiting!

  2. Boys would just go to State House during ECL and found drunk. boys would just say, boss we want to fly to Dubai.
    Just get the plan and go; he would tell them in his drunken stupor like it was a vehicle or a bicycle he was letting go. This meant, he did not care at all.

  3. Kang’ombe has nailed it. Ba Lungu is making us to forget ALL THOSE GHOST WORKERS and the EURO BOND whose mukondo can’t be traced.

    MORE the SINO-HYDRO PROJECT IN KAFUE GORGE was done to Milk government resources.

    HH should concentrate on SOLAR ENERGY. SPAIN have done it , they have extra ENERGY. AFRICA HAS A LOT OF SUN. LET’S harness the much sun we have!!.

    Thanks Kang’ombe for nailing it.

  4. The truth really does hurt. I see PF sympathisers have caught feelings from this article. Truth be told, ECL has lost it. For a man we should be regarding as a states man his behaviour leave much to be desired. HH must not even give him any time or dignity by responding to him in anyway.

  5. Dude, you gotta check out this web site with all our favorite pics of gorgeous women, whether they’re in the buff or completely clothed. We’ve got Granny, girlfriends, wives, and some curvy ladies that you can peep. These photos have a vibe that’ll definitely offer you some feelings. They simply show that human sexuality is totally normal. These ladies love posing for men and getting compliments. They will have a great time teasing and flaunting their attractive pics. The older females featured have a unique look with breasts that may droop a bit, cute nipples, and a definite vulva with larger labia.

    • Lungu is a master dribbler. He has dribbled all the PF presidential hopefuls.They have all fallen by the wayside. Now he is dribbling his UKA colleagues. He will leave them dazed and flat on their backs. His final move will be to try to dribble the people of
      Zambia.Watch the space. Remember how he dribbled his way to the PFpresidency after the death of President Sata. You underrate the man at your own peril.

  6. Zambia with young immature imbeciles like Kango’mbe always insulting then we are in perpetual crisis. Lungu is more like your father. Today you are insulting lungu next HH will be insulted by people like you.

  7. The fact is Zambians are not fools. This country will experience untold misery if there were to be a dununa reverse.They humble themselves and use money to buy mouth pieces in churches, especially to buy those Judas Iscariots hiding in churches.
    Most people supporting the filthy lot were direct beneficiaries of the plunder, so, Zambians ought to think critically and not fall for those trying to come back to protect their stollen wealth. Let no Zambian support people who had all the 10 years to improve the economy with all the loans they got but instead sunk the country into this situation. What ideas do they have now? To come and harrass Zambians again? To come and divide the country on tribal grounds? Please!

  8. You dare not exclude UKA from the ballot in 2026. The Zambians you talk about will give you a 200% vote in the Zambezi 4 provinces and -0.00% in the rest of Zambia. Of course you will not risk a fair 2021-like election.


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