Home Politics PF Lungu should have state protection-Laura Miti

Lungu should have state protection-Laura Miti


Lungu should have state protection

By Laura Miti

The attempted assassination of former President Trump is why I am of the firm view that President Lungu should have state protection.

The protection of our former Presidents should have nothing to do with what they do or do not do, say or do not say. They should not even be able to refuse it.

The fact that an individual once held the highest office in the land makes them important state property, for life.

Their protection should be standard. It should never be reviewed, except in unemotional technical terms that seek to make it better.

It should be in the hands of technocrats and security experts. Not politicians.


  1. I guess it’s not Laura M speaking. I don’t read books worse still the constitution, but I have been hearing that our constitution says former must not engage in politics or he can trade his security and all other privileges with joining active politics. ECL had a chance to decide on, and he decide. If am right, then HH and all the Technocrats can note change that unless the constitution is amended.
    I guess America has their own constitution.

    • Where did you hear about the security of the former president? Kindly ask those you heard from to give you the relevant sections of the constitution so that you may share to people like me who have not heard anything. Thanks and good day.

  2. Ms Miti, I know you have a big following. we have our own constitution and don’t have the same capacity as the US. I would like to know what you’re advocating for? You know all the utterances of our constitution not American constitution. You are aware of Lungu’s position on making the country ungovernable through chaos and unlawlessness, yet you want to promote unlawlessness even when you know the outcome. Lungu is a Lawyer, and if I not mistaken he has called himself a first class Lawyer. Now the question is as a first class lawyer, who we would expect to understand the constitution which he pledged to defend when he was president why would you want the current government to go against the constitution? You can make proposals to change the constitution based on how you feel. Afterall Lungu respected cadres to officially appoited protectirs. SHowever, you can’t make such a sweeping a statement. Lungu chose based on his assessment and is fine with that. Please don’t pock the bear.

    • Laura is putting common sense into the current relevant section of the law. Only people with legal knowledge should opine in this situation.
      You appear quite uneducated in legal reform issues.
      Please leave judicial thinking to mature minds like your aunt Laura Miti and Sui juris people. Confine yourselves to armchair football!!. Chipolopolo would do very well with your support!!!

  3. The constitution provides for a former president to enjoy certain benefits for as long as they do not go back to active politics, so accessing those benefits is a choice that the former president should choose to have or not to have depending on that person’s political ambitions.

  4. ECL himself rejected the benefits of the office former President. He did it publicly in preference to going back to active partisan politics. No one is to blame but himself.

  5. That’s true but Lungu doesn’t seem to understand how many people he offended when he was in Leadership. Who was killed and gassed, retirees who died with depression because of waiting at his offices under Lubinda Given when was minister of Labor during his leadership,

  6. Mr. Lungu is comfortable with his PF security personnel, after all, if my memory serves me right, his official presidential body guard was originally a PF cadre. I stand to be corrected.

    I doubt if Mr. Lungu would accept state security because he just won’t trust them especially that he is back in politics. They would spy on him. Our politics are perversive. There is no such thing as technocrats and security experts. They are all tainted by politics.


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