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Lungu used national debt on girlfriends and nieces instead of investing in Zesco – Kangombe


Lungu used national debt on girlfriends and nieces instead of investing in Zesco – Kangombe

“If former president Edgar Lungu was prudent in managing national resources acquired through debts, companies like Zesco would not be limping today, Shesheke member of parliament Romeo Kangombe has charged.

Commenting on remarks made by the former president during an opposition rally in Kitwe last weekend, Kangombe said political junkies took turns insulting President Hakainde Hichilema opposed to offering alternative solutions.

Kangombe who is also UPND deputy chairperson mobilisation and strategy, said he expected, Lungu to appreciate his successor for his effort in the debt restructuring process.

“Edgar Lungu and the Patriotic Front (PF) left a huge debt mountain which President Hichilema has been working tirelessly to resolve. Instead of appreciating, Lungu resorted to insulting and blaming the New Dawn Government for the problems he (Lungu) left. What a shame,” Kangombe noted in a statement.

The lawmaker branded the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) “a group of bitter souls without any solution to the challenges that our country is facing”.

Kangombe argued that had Lungu been prudent in managing national resources acquired through debts, companies like Zesco would not be limping today.

“Instead of investing in alternative power supply, Lungu used Zesco as a cash cow for political activities. Resources from Zesco were used to print party regalia and PF members were employed as ghost workers. Whilst girlfriends and nieces were swimming in million of dollars, Zesco was dying and getting in more debt,” Kangombe alleged.

“We expect Lungu to apologize for this and many other crimes he committed whilst he served as President. Edgar has no moral right to talk about the economy of this country,” Kangombe added.

Further, Kangombe accused Lungu of denying students meal allowances but instead shared the money with his ministers who stayed in office illegally.

“We expected him to use the rally to apologize to the students and the country at large for this act of broad daylight robbery.I sympathize with political parties associating themselves with a dirty man like Edgar Lungu. They will all be soiled when the time for reckoning comes. It is a political blunder to get into an alliance with Edgar,” he said.

Kangombe urged President Hichilema to focus on finding solutions to the many challenges the country was facing and “not waste time responding to criminals who ransacked economy of this country”.

By Buumba Mwitumwa



  1. Politicians should avoid the use of such language against each other. Stay clear of such statements to avoid the opening of the Pandora box. Or is it okay for the other camp also to do the same and dent the image of some senior UPND leaders?

  2. Kangombe is like a dog infected by rabies barking on on stop hopping he can be promoted. The way you are talking if you were Tonga by this time you would have been a minister

    • for Mr Kang’ombe’s ignorance,here is how much was given for power generation by ECL’S pf:-

      Allocation from the USD750 Million Bond as at 31st March,2014;
      1.Kafue George Lower Project [ZESCO ]:US$186 Million was allocated for this programme.

      2. Power Distribution Project [ ZESCO ]: US$69 Million was allocated for this programme
      it would appear that the above listed projects is what Kang’ombe calls Lungu’s girl friends.

  3. This time suing him with newly appointed Judges from Zambezi region is shall of waste of time . Umulandu taubola. Payback time is approaching the corner and he will squirm and squirt like a cow having organism

  4. Interesting reading the comments above, yet they fail to chastise their own ECL about the unstateman language he used over the weekend.
    Charity begins at home. Dont expect others to demostrate better behaviour when your own leader cant set an example.

  5. K65 million, thousands of dollars and a big house given to one girlfriend that we know of for safekeeping but unfortunately she got caught and had to forfeit everything to the state to save her skin.

    • Ba Razor, not everything. What she surrendered is just a small fraction of what she has stashed away.

      She is still going smiling all the way to the bank so to speak.

      She should have been jailed to send a clear message to would be looters in the current regime. They are there. Look at what is happening to Lusaka National Park land!


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