Lungu will end the way he has governed – brutally


The police were not under any danger of being attacked by anyone for them to fire live bullets.

And there was no human life or property under threat for the police to fire live ammunition and kill two innocent human beings.

There was no good reason at all for the police to do what they did. They were simply under orders to deal with the crowd ruthlessly and shoot to kill.

And as Dr Peter Machungwa correctly observes, these are extrajudicial killings by the police that must be stopped.

“Extrajudicial killings are illegal and are a crime. The authorities, I call upon them, from the President, the Minister of Home Affairs and all concerned, including the [Inspector General of Police] IG, should be careful. They cannot allow this country to descend to… just like that. Once we start this culture where the police can shoot and get away with it there will be no return back,” warns Machungwa. “And when these people who are in power leave power, because they cannot rule forever, they themselves will be receiving the same treatment from those who would have taken over. And yet people in this country, in a democratic country, are supposed to enjoy their peace. And the police are there to ensure that people are enjoying security, not to be killed.”

But this has been the hallmark of Edgar’s rule – brutal repression of any opposition to his rule. You can assemble and protest in his favour but never against him. But Edgar will end the way he has governed – brutally.

It is said that those who live by the sword will die by the sword.

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