Makebi Zulu and team abandon Lusambo in hour of need

LAWYERS from Makebi Zulu and Advocates have ditched Bowman Lusambo and wife Nancy leaving them stranded at the time the couple needs legal services the most.

The law firm indicated to the Economic and Financial Crimes Court that it was withdrawing its legal services to Lusambo on professional grounds.

Recently, Lusambo had hinted of ditching his Party PF to join the UPND but his sentiments have not sat well with his comrades in the green camp who continue to give him a social distance.

Few days after his statement, Lusambo received a slap to the face from his lawyers whom he relied on to save him from trouble, when they marooned him hours before he could account for his wealth, before the EFCC.

The firm had sent a junior lawyer yesterday to inform magistrate Faidess Hamaundu that it had ditched Lusambo, and would file a notice of withdrawal afterwards indicating that they had part ways.

Addressing magistrate Hamaundu yesterday Emmanuel Phiri said; “We wish to state that we have instructions on behalf of our client to withdraw as advocates for first and second accused on professional grounds. We had occasion to discuss with both accused and explained to the accused the implication for the said application. We shall file a notice of withdrawal in the course of the day.”

After Lusambo was left all alone with his wife Nancy by his side who is his co-accused, the ‘Bulldozer’ asked the Court to excuse him on reasons that he was unwell and needed time to engage a new lawyer who will have to study the matter before Tuesday next week.

“I informed ACC that I am unwell and wish to see a doctor. With this withdrawal of the lawyer, I ask the court to give us ample time to engage the lawyers to represent us in this case. I ask the court to use its discretion to adjourn the matter to allow me to see the doctor and to engage new lawyers,” Lusambo said.

ACC prosecutor Daniel Ngwira did not object to the application but urged the Court to warn Lusambo about being mindful about time.

Magistrate Hamaundu granted the application and reserved three days on her Court diary for the Lusambo’s to give their defense from August 27 to August 30.

In this matter Lusambo is facing 10 corruption-related charges before the Economic and Financial Crimes Court; among them one count of corrupt acquisition of public property, five counts of possessing property suspected to be proceeds of crime, three counts of tax evasion and one count of conspiracy to defraud.

He is jointly charged with his wife Nancy for possessing four houses in Silverest Gardens, Chongwe which were suspected to be procceds of crime.

By Mwaka Ndawa

Kalemba August 20, 2024.


  1. Kekekekeke ba loud mouth “I WILL DIE FOR LUNGU” can’t afford a lawyer now wanting to jump ship. HH won’t allow this criminal in his party.
    Azaona matako ya njoka

  2. Here we go again. A vague and unprofessional basis of withdrawing. What does LAZ say about this after Lusambo has paid and been assured of service? What doest LAZ say, as the trajectory of the case is based on what a lawyer advices. Which as a layman is difficult to argue as you rely on these “professionals” to render advice. We need better consumer rights laws.
    While the Lusambos MAYBE GUILTY, leaving them at this stage based on the reason suggested in this article (Lusambo ditching PF to go to UPND, which has and should have no bearing on a case) is in itself unprofessional and even when the courts reject the application will still prejudice the client.
    Its my strong opinion that the law firms be compelled to pay for the services of an alternate lawyer when they as in this case fail to render a service due to their personal prejudicial positions that should not have a bearing on the clients legal position or political choice.

    • He was not ditched because of his statement that his colleagues should not be surprised when he joins UPND. It’s hidden legal fees that pop up once a lawyers has been engaged that result in parties going separate ways. It’s easy for political expedience or fame to engage certain class of lawyers but maintaining them for cases that have undefined time closure is another matter. Even Trump at some point felt the pinch of legal fees who is Lusambo not to feel it? Prolonged litigation only benefits the lawyers at the expense of the client and Justice system. Cases need to be concluded within a specific time frame otherwise it’s unbareable cost to a client.

      • @Mwenya Jata Bulenge is only parapharsing what the article says.
        “Recently, Lusambo had hinted of ditching his Party PF to join the UPND but his sentiments have not sat well with his comrades in the green camp who continue to give him a social distance.

        Few days after his statement, Lusambo received a slap to the face from his lawyers whom he relied on to save him from trouble, when they marooned him hours before he could account for his wealth, before the EFCC.”

        Where as you and the writer of the article speculate on the reason the vague excuse was used by the Lusambo lawyers.

  3. Life is just like that.Things may not go smoothly every time,there must be rough times, either economically or health and other circumstances.It is better an individual or individuals accept or else depression starts to visit and that leads to uncomfortable life.


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