Home Politics PF Maina Soko to take Hon Jay Jay Banda to a Psychiatrist for...

Maina Soko to take Hon Jay Jay Banda to a Psychiatrist for examination after finding him with no internal or external injuries – Gen Dr Levy Muchemwa

Jay Jay Banda at Maina Soko Hospital

Maina Soko to take Hon Jay Jay Banda to a Psychiatrist for examination after finding him with no internal or external injuries – Gen Dr Levy Muchemwa


  1. Uko!
    Drama at it’s best!
    Even the doubting Thomases now believe Laura Miti’s statement about this script.
    Those who do not believe that this was all schemed have just chosen not to because they are beneficiaries of kasaka ka ndalama

    • This is exactly why the state forcibly abducted him from the private hospital. To cover up. The knew the other other hospital would have brought the injurious findings to light.
      I believe the phones they got will be cleaned by ZICTA to ensure those photos don’t see light ever.

    • This whole issue is bringing us very closer to the apprehension of the schemers, and because of or due to otherwise the flying reckless statements that have been coming and making headlines, will or already being analysed to see just like a snake that has been threatening people and they know where it could or has been hiding first once seen it then becomes very easy even if it hides again but it could be too late because those who crush the snakes will make sure that it is found. Any other insect in or on the way will be a victim too until or still be cleared and have to make sure that you clear the area properly or anything there and then and eventually you will find it.

      This boy JJ B is in for it, he will also not escape this rubbish and evil plan of theirs. This is what I am seeing from where I am standing. They will be in for it without even very difficulties. It is showing very easy signs of where it started, how it started, why it started, so or no-wonder someone and some people were saying a baby can be born even before the expected months of pregnancy. I am just thinking and imaging. We just have to wait and see how things are unfolding. Fyakuyiletelelafye.

  2. The leaders of PF_ Edgar are reading too many James Hadley Chase novels. Stuff we read as teenagers in secondary school. People who aspire to lead a nation need to be more serious and come out of this teenagers’ mindset. Really sad that these overgrown “children” ruled us for 7 wasted years

  3. By the way, is this the JJ Banda why used to boast that he was the trusted number 5 or 9 in ECLs team and he’s not substituted because of being trustworthy or reliable?

    Is this the same JJ Banda who stormed and attacked the Police Officers on duty at their offices in Lusaka threatened them and even store some items?

    Is this the same JJ Banda who urinated in the mouth of s Journalist?

    If so then he is a problem

  4. Chickens have now come to roost. They thought they would turn a movie into reality. Let these idiots dance to the tune of the law.

  5. Let a polygraph test be conducted on him. There are too many liers in Zambia, it’s high time we invested in polygraph machines. So tht all the liers and scoundrels are put in their place. A person steals but lies that he never stole and because there is no evidence he wins at court. Ba ZP lets invest in polygraph machines. Our neighbours are utilising them to combate crime.

  6. Should the state allow JJ Banda to live freely before the creators of the false narrative about his abduction by the state have been tried in court? There’s a strong incentive to kill him in my view so that there’s a good excuse to cause trouble in the country.

  7. The MP was staffed by somebody. Yes now the truth has emerged what next?
    Lungu and his UKA especially Emmanuel Mwamba and the so called kadibala or kalupala Mundubile should tame their tongues. They will suffer from brain dementia. They need to take tranquilizers

  8. JJ. Banda is now surrounded by enemies because the truth has come out. The people behind all this is the Emmanuel Mwamba, Mundubile and the so called sister ( family spokes person). These are the triggers of all this scam. JJ Banda must take leave and taken outside the country for at least two weeks.
    Tell him good stories of Jesus Christ, he will truly repent and will ask for forgiveness.
    PF please don’t divide this country. Please tell your big mouth Chilufya Tayali to stop yapping because he is finishing you every day

  9. By the way, where are the loudspeakers at the hospital? Have you seen Mundubile and Emmanuel Mwamba getting closer? Not even the mingalato man ECL to check on him and yet they spoke alot…

  10. I wonder how Fisho Mwale will respond to the article written in the News diggers paper. Even thosw we thought were of clear and objective outlook seem to have fallen for this.
    Yet, PF have used this lie to skew a narrative they want. Is that not criminal enough? The Catholic Church has without forethought used the draught to sing a narrative on their pulpits and allowed Politician to use this. Is this the role of the church?
    Until this country is set alight. When will people who have committed crimes be held accountable? When wil Zambians see justice, if criminals are allowed to roam scot free because they have a political tag around them?
    Enough already….let the law work even in absentia. Tayali, Muri, Mwamba, GBM, Kambwili, Kaizer, Nakachinda, Mmembe and now many others have a litany of criminal cases against them. And when the courts dont act or the Police have been imitidated. Its Zambians that pay the Price. Yet they claim the serve Zambians? How? With their self serving noise and acts? Lets see the law at work. Justice should not be seen to work on a few.

    • Zambians ask these talkative politians what they have changed in your lives.
      At least I saw at one time Nawakwi the known devil empowering women by distributing fertilizer to them even if they never voted for her.
      In bemba we say ” ichikwanka bachimwena kumampalanya”

  11. All this talk by Mr. Lungu and his sympathisers is a form of self preservation. They know that they engaged in criminal acts and are busy casting themselves as political victims and being quite vocal about it.

    We must not relent. All those who engaged in corruption and other crimes must be held to account. We are tired of seeing criminals get away from one administration to the next. When are we, as ordinary Zambians going to get justice? Is the law only for the poor and under privileged?


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