Home Politics PF Miles Sampa Is A Liar, Says Zambia National Building Society Board Chairman...

Miles Sampa Is A Liar, Says Zambia National Building Society Board Chairman As He Orders Management To Institute Legal Action Against The Matero MP



Dear Madam Managing Director.

It is with surprise and dismay that I have read this story regarding the purchase by Zambia National Building Society of the building at Addis Ababa round about. The misrepresentation of facts is amazing. This in itself is proof that most of the alarming stories coming from the opposition leaders are meant to mislead the general public, and they totally lack any merit. This story is totally misleading, and it should be dismissed with the contempt it deserves.

That is the reason the IMF stated a few days ago that there is too much politicking in Zambia at the expense of National development, when refuting a similar story that Government, through IDC has been forced to sale Mulungushi Conference Centre, and other assets. Yet this is not the case.

There is also the alleged purchase of Zambeef farm by the government, which story is also not exactly correct. I think the opposition have run out of ideas, and they are now witch hunting by trying to create fake stories meant to discredit the government.

Now, Madam MD, kindly sit down with your colleagues and prepare a comprehensive response refuting these allegations as baseless and give the correct picture regarding the purchase of that building. Make sure you indicated how Society House was sold and how you were given authority by the Board to purchase another building to compensate for the sale of Society House. Also, give timeliness of these transactions. Indicate clearly that this was purely a prudent business decision devoid of government interference. Point out also that the Society is well managed and that at some point, you actually declared a dividend. Challenge Miles Sampa to retract this statement and find out from SS if we should threaten him with legal action. Please come out very strongly in clearing the air, and I know we are standing on firm ground. The statement should come out immediately in most media outlets, including socail media., You should work tomorrow Sunday and get all the facts and figures so that you put the record straight.

I have no doubt in my mind that we shall prevail over this matter and shame the agitators of this fake story. Should you need further guidance, please do not hesitate to reach me on this same WhatsApp number. I am currently in Ekaterinburg, Russia, but I will make myself available 24/7 as we fight to dispel this fake story and protect the image of our shareholders.

With regards
Geoffrey Samukonga
Board Chairman


  1. Has Society House been sold? Yes
    Has government bought Elund park belonging to Sartunia Regna , all along known to be owned by Hakainde, Muna Hantuba and Chitalu ? Yes
    So Mr Samukonga what is fake about this story???
    Don’t put any unnecessary pressure on the MD ZNBS to do your spinning exercise . The truth is bare, and you can’t run away from it!

    • All them to fully respond. This seems to a back to back deal. They will give us a background on the society house renovation and subsequent sale. And how this now ties into the purchase of the said property.
      Then if as you suggest we will see if there is a connection between African life. Its also important to remember when people speak of African Life and Life Insurance Companies. They recieve premiums to invest on behalf of policy holders. Therefore act in trust of Policy holders. That money or investment doesnt belong to the shareholders.
      Bola pansi….tondolo musuma….

    • This is the Board Chairman of Building Society the company at the of the aspiration that you aka Mwamba cast. He is PUBLICLY giving instructions to the Managing Director of the Building Society to repond to the fake news that you and your alias cast to misinform and maliously cast aspiration on institutions and individuals.
      Its important to be responisible and accountable Ba Hypocrit. Maybe when law suits make you do so, you will feeling the financial implication of the criminal let lone the malious intent of your article.
      Journalism is about reporting facts. Not innuendo or slanted narratives to sway a perception about individuals.

    • @hh. I wish things were as simple as you have put it , in the form of YES. As you write on such kind of platform, try to show that you are a mature person, Sir.

  2. What’s he talking about here? Facts, The Zambia National Building Society bought a building for 10million dollars. The building belonged to Aflife. African Life Insurance has connections to the president.
    The government bought a building (probably overvalued as was the case of the Chiawa Zambeef farm) and this is a matter of public concern as it involves a potential conflict of interest.
    The instructions by the board Chair are that;
    1. We did buy a building
    2. Provide a timeline for the purchase
    3. Provide correct details
    He doesn’t dispute that the building was bought, and he further doesn’t challenge who the seller was.
    Time to put politics aside here and use our heads for once dear praise singers please.

    • Even answering you Adada is waste of time. Read what is in the articles above this one.

      Misinformation and poor reporting is what you PF chaps are guilty of. Trying to sway the narrative.

      • Hi Mulenga, I appreciate your response to my comment. Thanks for not using any insults.
        First of all, I am not a PF supporter. I have never been.
        Secondly, I agree with your earlier statement about how pension and insurance companies make extra money.
        Thirdly, and very importantly, the issue is that the said companies have proximity to the president and there is a big conflict of interests here. This is what I strove to explain in my comment.
        For ease of reference, imagine if HH sold his Namwala farm to ZNS. What would you genuinely think about that?
        I did explain that HH has shares in Zambeef and this attempt to sale the Chiawa Zambeef farm to ZNS is also contentious.
        I hope we can engage soberly now that you know I am not PF (which shouldn’t matter as you should address my content).

        • @ Zimba. The board chair has instructed the MD to put together all matters related to the issue at hand. The Chair has only alluded to the fact that figures will be clarified. What’s the point of you agreeing with the opposers only. Monday is only tomorrow. Wait for the reaction from ZNBS.

          • Reaction has come. Focus on the part 2 which concerns this property. Property was listed for 5 million, but the government paid 10 million. Tell me the directors involved.


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