Miles Sampa To Meet Chellah Tukuta In Court



    PATRIOTIC Front (PF) Matero parliamentary candidate Miles Sampa has instructed his lawyers to prepare a lawsuit against photographer Tukuta Chellah.

    This follows the lapsing of the seven-day ultimatum Mr Sampa gave Mr Chellah to apologise for alleging that the former Lusaka mayor had a hand in the gruesome murder of National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) student Ruth Mbandu in 2012.

    In a Facebook post, Mr Chellah charged that Mr Sampa should tell the public what happened to Ms Mbandu at the time he was Matero Member of Parliament.“Ba Miles tell us what happened to Ruth Mbandu, we haven’t forgotten, you were an MP then,” Mr Chellah wrote on the social media platform.

    But Mr Sampa said in an interview yesterday that he has spent the last 10 years emotionally tormented over allegations that he had a hand in Ms Mbandu’s death.He wants Mr Chellah to explain in court what he knows about what happened to the late NIPA student.

    “My lawyers are preparing summons to take him (Mr Chellah) to court so that he can prove his cyberbullying-laced allegations.“I am so happy this topic will be adjudicated by the courts of law and I thank God a person has surfaced that says he has information on the occurrence,” Mr Sampa said.

    The former city father said his name has been abused “in an inhuman and an unchristian manner”.Mr Sampa is keen “to get to the root” of the close to a decade matter in which he has allegedly been defamed and tormented by innuendos each time there is an election in which he is participating.

    “Enough is enough! I will see this Mr Chellah Tukuta case all the way to the Supreme Court if need be until I get to know how my name comes into the unfortunate incident, if not for malice and deliberate criminal defamation,” he said.



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