Home Africa Zimbabwe Mnangagwa Battles To Convince Putin To Attack Zambia So to Chase The...

Mnangagwa Battles To Convince Putin To Attack Zambia So to Chase The West Out


In a controversial move, Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has called for Russian military support to defend Zimbabwe against perceived threats from neighboring Zambia. Speaking to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of Russia’s Economic Forum, Mnangagwa suggested that deeper Russian involvement in Zimbabwe could deter Western influence in both Zimbabwe and Zambia.

“We can open for the Russian Federation to participate in our economy, especially in the mining sector and in agriculture. There is a lot that we can afford for you to participate in and with that process, the West will run away,” Mnangagwa stated. “You see, the West have just begun consolidating their power in Zambia, our next neighbour. You know there was a time when Zambia and Zimbabwe were one, it was called Northern and Southern Rhodesia, it was one, by the British. But we are now separate.”

Mnangagwa continued, highlighting the historical ties between the nations and their shared past under British colonial rule. He expressed concern over increasing American influence in Zambia, suggesting it was part of a broader strategy to isolate Zimbabwe. “The Americans are consolidating their power in that country, both in terms of security and financial support to Zambia to make sure that we feel lonely, but that will not change us. We have taken a course which as a people that we feel we want to be independent and we will choose our friends ourselves.”

He emphasized Zimbabwe’s historical relationship with Russia, referencing the support received during Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle. “We are independent today because most of us in the leadership trained here during our war of liberation. We got our independence because we were supported by yourselves here and we do not forget that history; and you have stood by us.”

Mnangagwa outlined specific areas where Zimbabwe seeks Russian assistance, particularly in defense and security, agriculture, and food security. “If opportunity avails later on, we may find time to chat and go into more details on which areas we must focus on in terms of supporting each other, and in terms of where we feel we need extra support more especially in the area of Defence And Security, as well as food security. We can’t go to the West; we have to come here because the West would want to see us down.”

The call for Russian arms to defend self against Zambia suggests Mnangagwa himself is not connected to the West.

But Mnangagwa’s controversial history will now be exposed as multiple documents and videos revealed over the past seven years have show Mnangagwa as more of NATO project, assisted by the British government to execute military coups between 1980 and 2017, which is over 37 years running. In one of these documents, Mnangagwa himself states that he was trained by British Rhodesian spy Dan Stannard.

A British House Of Lords debate has evidence that the British Govt has propped Mnangagwa up so that he takes over power.

An official war veterans’ press conference in Harare in 2019 revealed that Mnangagwa is a British mercenary. The late President Robert Mugabe had also alleged that Mnangagwa had been attempting coups since 1980 as part of British Rhodesian intelligence operations.

In November 2017, First Lady Dr. Grace Mugabe described Emmerson Mnangagwa as a “liquidator” and “ravisher,” accusing him of plotting coups as far back as 1980. At a rally in Harare, Dr. Mugabe stated, “From 1980, this person called Mnangagwa has always wanted to stage a coup. I am in a privileged position and I have the information. He actually wanted to wrestle power from the President. After the 1980 elections, Mnangagwa plotted a coup with the assistance of the whites. He advised the President to leave the country saying the whites wanted to kill him.”

She continued, “The President left for Mozambique and told Samora Machel. Machel directed President Mugabe to go back to Zimbabwe. The President went to see Julius Nyerere, but he found it unnecessary to talk about the coup plot. He had to talk about other things before going back to Zimbabwe. When the President called Mnangagwa from outside the country, Mnangagwa said ‘Don’t come back! Don’t come back!’ with the intention of staging a coup.”

Dr. Mugabe accused Mnangagwa of being a dissolute person who had taken President Mugabe for granted. She said, “This person has always been like that. Makhosini (Minister Hlongwane), that man is a liquidator. He is a ravisher. Go and look up what these words mean.”

In a passionate address, Dr. Mugabe insisted that Mnangagwa would not succeed in unconstitutionally removing President Mugabe from office, describing Mugabe as an “anointed leader.” She condemned factionalism within ZANU-PF and urged the party to work towards fulfilling their promises before the next elections.

Mnangagwa’s recent overture to Putin, coupled with his contentious past, has cast a shadow over his leadership and raised questions about his true allegiances and the stability of the region.- zimeye



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