Home Politics PF More darkness coming to Zambia—Antonio Mwanza

More darkness coming to Zambia—Antonio Mwanza


More darkness coming to Zambia—Antonio Mwanza

…as ZESCO board squabble over sacking Victor Mapani


Antonio Mwanza, Socialist Party (SP) deputy general secretary has warned Zambians to brace themselves for 22-hour load shedding by October under President Hakainde Hichilema due to mismanagement of the power sector by ZESCO.

Mwanza said, coupled with the ever-increasing cost of food due soaring prices or cost of living, Zambians will feel much greater pangs of poverty than they are felling today.

“The 12-hour crippling load shedding our people are facing today in May will be worse by October because the science shows that load shedding will last at least 22 hours,” said Mwanza.

He blamed the current lack of power generation by the failed Victor Mapani led ZESCO to ´bad deals´ the company signed to export power to Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, and Congo.

“If we stopped exporting power today, we would have undisrupted power but because of poor management we keep exporting. What kind of government exports power to neighbours and kill its own people?” asked Mwanza.

He said, although he does not work for the PF anymore, he can commend the previous government of President Edgar Lungu for having invested more than $3 billion to increase power production to about 3500 MW from just about 1,200 MW when they assumed office in 2011.

“The failure to deliver electricity is yet another testimony that president Sammy Hichililema lied to Zambians to become President the same way he lied about bringing down fuel prices, mealie meal and fuel prices.

What is worse Mwanza said is, “the fact that Mr Sammy Hichilema has NO plan absolutely to get Zambians out of poverty I can challenge him to deny this, and he won’t because he has NO plan nothing.”

Mwanza said the only hope for Zambians to get out of the poverty rut would have been through good deals with the mining companies but won’t happen because Mr Hichilema has given tax breaks and holidays to the mines.

“We are losing more than $3 billion annually from tax evasion and tax breaks because of deals Mr Sammy has entered so our hope of cashing in on current high prices of copper are totally shattered,” said Mwanza.

The answer according to Mwanza lies in SP, he did not rule out a call for an early election while appreciating that Hichilema is entitled to a full term.

He was speaking on a special interview with Diamond TV on Monday night where he also condemned the way Mr Hichilema´s government has managed the ´abduction´ of legislator JJ Banda and dozen other Zambians.

Higher fuel prices are expected to be announced in less than 48 hours by the ERB that may go beyond K35 per litre of petrol that automatically spikes up mealie meal and transport prices.

Source: Diamon TV.


  1. Antonio, Davis Mwila gave a solution for load shedding, go consult him and make him MD for ZESCO. He was clear all PF people must go and urinate in Kariba dam. Socialist party must follow same.


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