We kindly ask Mr Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND government to explain the massive sell of Zambia’s land to the Dubai based Company. Who did they consult to sell 10% of Zambia’s land (20 million acres) to a foreign company? How much have they sold this land for? What are the terms of the agreement? Can they make these terms available to the people of Zambia. Did this matter go through Parliament? Which land exactly have they sold? Do they even know what 10 percent means? What will be left for our children and children’s children if we can generously hand over land in this manner to serve developed countries?

We humbly ask that they convene a press briefing to explain this sell of our precious land.

Read more at: (https://thebreakthrough.org/journal/no-20-spring-2024/land-grabs-for-carbon).

Fred M’membe
President of Socialist Party


  1. Hmmmmmmmmm.

    If this news is true, then we have a huge problem.

    I truly truly hope he has only sold part of Southern province. He has not right to touch any other province, unless of course he is a conman.

    Surely should we wait until he sells everything before people wake up? This man is so dodgy and he does not care about our country. Honestly, he should only serve one term. He should not be allowed to sell anything without parliament approval.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • You dull chaps
      Dubai produces a lot of environment polluting gases because of its industrialization
      Zambia has large forests which absorb some of these gases and therefore reduce the contamination of the earth
      Now due to the polluter pays principal (PPP), Dubai can’t stop its industrialization but must pay for polluting the environment
      So, Dubai must pay Zambia which has large forests that absorb these gases and for keeping these forests in their natural state for a long time
      These are international agreements and who can steal from such arrangements? Only “stupid idiots” can think that way
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  2. I do not personally understand carbon trading and phoney economics involved. It’s something where I need those who claim to know to explain. Do we have any legislation in Zambia to bind government and the buyers of these carbon credits? From the article, it seems that several African, Asian and Caribbean countries are in it already. There’s need to make these transactions public so that the rights and obligations of the buyers are made known.

    • There’s a lot of Secrecy on these Carbon Credits and Land deals. Can the Minister of Green economy tell the nation what is involved in these land deals. Is the government selling land in exchange for what?? But one thing I know for sure is that no acre of Land from Barotse Land will be sold under this deal.. Lozis can’t entertain this nonsense.

  3. If ba Fred Membe has the information,he should not wait but go to court and summon the government of zambia over this transaction. Let’s not blow trumpets but act were need be. I humbly ask the socialist President to engage the law enforcement agencies so that his issue can be addressed.

    • These crooks are just yawning like a hungry lion like smoke without fire. Trying by all means to swerve the Country’s ( government) constructive agenda and program to fix the economy which they destroyed. It was at first KCM, they came to MOPANI again they went to ZESCO, they then tried to mislead the nation that the President does not follow procedure when going out of the country, Infact from there smell coming out of their rotten mouth, said that, with of course their fellow snakes, that the President does not handover power to the Vice- President whenever he is going out of the Country, alot more lies but all these have backfired. Now it is time to fix the economy and the plunderers.

      Like they say, birds of the same furthers fly together. I have never heard these crooks condemning the Milingo US$ 24 million, I have never head these snakes talk about the K65 million kwacha plus DOLLARS faith Musonda issue, I have never head these snakes talk about Mukula tree, I have never heard these vultures talk about big portions of land they sold to chines Country but theirs day and night is just HH


  4. Fred Mmembe brought about division in the country – 1991 Post Newspaper was born – called … That digs deeper – brought issues of KK as Malawian
    1996 – 2001, battle of Chiluba – was from Congo DRC – battle between Fried Mmembe as heard editor of the Post Newspaper
    2001- 2006 – Fred Mmembe was had on Mwanawasa – tribal issues came out that Mwanawasa’s leadership was full of tribal and Nepotism.
    2007 – 2010 – His paper brought critically acclaimed RB as a destroyer of democracy. He called RB as ‘ wako ni wako,
    2011- 2014 – he called Sata man from Tanzania
    2016- he ran battles with ECL and his paper exposed ECL as a foreigner from Malawi and was a thief who stole from a widow, ECL was a tribalist, Corrupt etc.
    2017 Post Newspaper was closed – Mast Resurrected with imiponto –
    In short Mmembe never supports and trusts anyone in Zambia apart from himself and shall die with bitterness because no Zambian shall ever trust him.
    Ichipimo upiminako abanobe echo naiwe wakulapiminwako.

  5. I have read the link provided by Fred Meembe on the original article. This scheme also involve Zimbabwe (20% of the land) , Tanzania ( 10%) , Liberia ( 10%} and other countries in Africa. Apparently, the Dubai company will manage the carbon credit for the said land. In my view, it doesn’t appear that the Dubai company will use the 10% of the land for anything but simply environmental management for carbon credit and get their share.
    What are carbon credits:
    ” Carbon credits are measurable, verifiable emission reductions from certified climate action projects. These projects reduce, avoid or remove greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.”
    Clearly, Zambians are not going to lose anything , but are rather going to benefit from most land which is wasted.
    Meembe should stop misleading people.

    The writings by Meembe suggest that the Dubai company has really acquired the land for their own use


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