Home Politics PF Muhabi Lungu Appointed As The Zambia We Want Party Spokesperson

Muhabi Lungu Appointed As The Zambia We Want Party Spokesperson


Members of the Press and Media Houses


Following the unveiling of the Zambia We Want on 3rd July,2024, the Party members commenced a transparent process of consultations to identify interim leaders in line with our constitution.This consultative processi culminated in the nominations and selection of a number of Chairpersons of the National Leadership Council (NLC) of the Party. Among the key Positions filled in was that of the National Chairperson for Information and Publicity and Party Spokesperson which was taken up by Mr Muhabi Lungu.The full list of all interim members of the National leadership Council will be shared in the next few days.

We wish to therefore request the Media Fraternity and all other stakeholders to cooperate with Mr. Lungu as he executes his functions as the Spokesperson of the Zambia We Want Party.

As with all current Office Bearers in the NLC,this position is in an interim capacity,until the party holds its National Congress,at which all positions shall be elected in accordance to the Party Constitution and in a democratic manner.

Yours sincerely,

Harrington Kanema
Secretary General


  1. Muhabi Lungu? Are there no fresh minds? Muhabi was there in UNIP, MMD and PF except he is a John come lately, always sticking with the old before jumping ship at the last minute.

    Never really had a life away from politics. Very unlikely to bring anything meaningful to the Zambia We Want party (strange name!).

    Should stick to Umodzi Kumawa. That is what he knows best.


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