Musaka ticks off Charles Banda over tribal sentiment


A CONCERNED citizen has challenged people of Eastern Province not to vote on tribal lines in the 2021 general election.

Kapoche PF member of parliament and local government minister Charles Banda recently asked people of Eastern Province to re-elect President Edgar Lungu next year and not lose him like they did Rupiah Banda.

Kingfrey Musaka said the province could not develop because of such mentality.

“Eastern is the least developed province in Zambia because they have been voting for their tribesmen who, after coming to power, took things for granted,” he said. “My fellow Zambians in Eastern Province, stop doing business with family, you will always be broke. I challenge you to exercise patriotism and show Mr Banda that we are One Zambia, One Nation by voting for a Zambian, not restricting candidates to family.”

Musaka appealed to Easterners to try voting for other tribes and see if they would not deliver to them compared to their kinsmen.

“Try visitors and see if they will fail you like your kinsmen. Come 2021 our voting will be based on merit and not tribal relations. If you want to be re-elected then deliver your promises,” Musaka said.

Musaka asked Dr Banda why people should be patient with PF amidst continued hardships.

“Dr Banda, you want people to be patient, seriously? How are they going to be patient when even a simple illness can be interpreted as fatal due to lack of drugs in clinics? How can they be patient when they chase dogs from eating from their plates but still end up drinking with dogs?” he asked. “How can they be patient when they trusted you to help them, instead you neglect them only to come back because you have now checked your time and it’s showing 04:30 AM; soon it will be dawn on your election calendar?”

He said Dr Banda’s statement was divisive to the country.

Munsaka said Dr Banda should instead help unite the country as a leader.

“Dr Banda, in your attempt to sell yourself for re-election in 2021, remember to tell people the truth as in chichewa they say ‘ukanama boza sikucedwa kuca’. During your campaigns you promised a lot of things that are not being delivered and now that the day is almost breaking on you, you are now turning into an opportunistic vulture who is waiting to use all available disorder to paint the opposition black,” said Musaka. “You are promoting tribalism, Dr Banda. Your statement has no trace of national unity in it at all. Our freedom fighters spent sleepless nights trying to build this nation by promoting One Zambia, One Nation, whose effects are still felt now.”



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